Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sex and Intimacy After Childbirth

Sex and Intimacy After the Baby Arrives - NYTimes.com: ".... For the first three months, “my ‘sexual’ fantasy was for nobody to touch me,” she said. Though his interest had not flagged, Mr. Williams said he was in no rush and a little apprehensive: “It didn’t seem like an option for a while.” The couple did start to have sporadic sex at three months, although it was often painful for Ms. Williams. Setting some rules helped stoke her desire; one was no touching of her breasts, which had grown to an H-cup to his delight, and her discomfort. They kept trying, and more than a year after delivery, “now sex is great,” she said. “Women need to know it’s O.K. to be gentle with themselves and be patient,” she said. “If you have open, honest intimacy, it will come back.”"

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