Monday, April 22, 2013

Fit for life

Fit for life: 69-year-old man competes in Miami-Dade lifeguard test - Miami Beach - "Dr. Ralph Sacco, chairman of neurology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and past president of the American Heart Association, said Fogel’s life of physical activity is a model for all to follow. “It sounds like he has the body of a 55-year-old or younger,” said Dr. Sacco, adding it’s important to start a healthy lifestyle when you’re young because it’s hard for people to change longtime behaviors. Regular, aerobic exercise also helps reduce the risk of memory loss because it minimizes blockages and improves blood flow in the brain, Sacco said. Fogel said he practices tai chi and Tae Kwon Do and eats chia and hemp seeds for energy."

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