Why Will Power Isn't the Answer to Curing Bad Habits | Entrepreneur.com: "2. Distract yourself. "Distraction is more effective than will power," Lickerman says. "If you are trying to lose weight, for example, and walk into a meeting and find treats, the best thing to do is to think about another pleasure. The trick is that you have to be ready; if you struggle to think of something, resisting will be difficult." 3. Avoid temptation completely. Lickerman says avoidance is the other half of the strategy. "This is simply the best way to manage temptation," he says. "Whatever you're trying to eliminate, don't let it cross your path." For example, if you spend too much time on social networking sites, download software that will curb this distraction, such as BlockSite or Freedom. Or if constant email monitoring is your bad habit, turn off automatic alerts or unplug your Wi-Fi."
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Japan Airlines Cyber Attack Causes Flight Delays
The airline also temporarily stopped selling tickets for flights departing
Thursday, but said that there was no impact on flight safety.
1 hour ago