CBS Local
HOUSTON (CBS Houston) - From Atkins to South Beach, diet trends are nothing new to the American populace. However, researchers from across the pond may have found a brand new way to shed pounds – watching horror movies. Movies such as “The ...
CBS Local
Online interaction proves to be powerful in weight loss
Columbia Missourian
Fitness websites like and provide an online platform for people to discuss recipes, diet choices, physical activities, doubts, struggles and strides in their weight loss journey. Users post likes, comment on others ...
Columbia Missourian
Sneak peek: Dr. Oz blasts fat, banishes belly bloat and boosts your metabolism
Trying to lose weight? Weight loss wizard Dr. Mehmet Oz wants to help, and he's prepared a series of fat-burning, bloat-banishing and metabolism-boosting talk shows to help you shed the pounds safely and quickly. From diets designed for women over 35...
From promoting weight loss to improving your PH balance, there are many ...
Fox News
A Weight loss Aid: Pectin Fiber in lemons helps to fight hunger cravings. Some studies have shown that people who have an alkaline balanced diet lose weightquicker. I notice a huge difference in my appetite when I forget to drink my warm water. I feel ...

Fox News
Could staying up too late interfere with diet and weight loss?
Fad diets, exercise and diet pills are all ways proposed to help people lose weight. But a frequently ... The finding, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, links partial sleep deprivation to weight gain and inability to ...

The Fitness Brother: Jump start your weight loss
Hesperia Star
Changing your eating habits, implementing regular exercise and planning relaxing activities are a great way to begin your weight loss journey with strong momentum. Using the right tools will allow you to make healthier changes but there are certain ...
Fat Burning Reviews: Do Raspberry Ketones Work for Fast Weight Loss?
Muncie Free Press
Staff Report. raspberry-diet NEW YORK, NY - Those who have watched the Dr. Oz show in the past know that he has a thing for finding fat burning solutions for men and women who have a desire to lose weight but may need a little help. ... On his website...

Muncie Free Press
Weight-loss surgery may affect bone density: study
Stock and Land
BEFORE surgeons removed a large part of her stomach to help her lose weight, Vanessa Hall asked her doctor what affect the procedure would have on her body by the time she turned 80. His answer, she said, was: ''We don't ... But endocrinologists from ...
Despite losing 60 lbs, Marissa Winokur wails: 'I'll always be a chubby actress'
In addition to denying herself food to maintain her 60-pound weight loss, Marissa is focused on fitness. "I'm really, really active. I think the biggest thing is that it's become my life," she said. But she's convinced that because she's "in Hollywood ...
Gail's Weight Loss offers strategies, support for success
Losing weight will bring many health benefits to Margaret, says Denise Henry, CHN, the owner of Gail's Weight Loss Centre, located at #7 - 816 First Avenue North in Saskatoon. "Losing weightcan help ... "As my clients lose weight, I can actually see ...
Health care Exchanges offer expansion in coverage but Texas faces uncertainty ...
For Texas health insurance providers, employers and insurance consumers, the lack of state involvement could mean a longer wait to find out exactly what form the exchange will take and less input in the process. “Different stakeholders have wondered ...
Home health care proposal draws support, concern
The Morning Sun
The measure is a bid to counter the law passed earlier this year that spurred a lawsuit by Service Employees International Union Healthcare Michigan, which had been the bargaining unit for homehealth care aides before the law was enacted. A federal ...
Health care cost estimates are crucial to retirement income planning
“There are not enough advisers right now talking about future health care costs with their clients, but more will soon learn how or risk losing customers to an adviser who can,” said John Carter, president of distribution and sales for Nationwide ...
Obama calls for compromise but says he won't 'surrender' health care or ...
Washington Post
CONCORD, N.H. — President Barack Obama says he's willing to work across party lines to end gridlock in Washington but will not give up key Democratic measures like college financial aid orhealth care to achieve compromises. While campaigning with ...
Health Care Law May Be Obama's Downfall | RealClearPolitics
"I think that the manner in which the health care reform was put in front of the Congress, the way that the issue was dealt with by the White House, cost Obama a ...
Follow @nothinnormally
Fox News
A Weight loss Aid: Pectin Fiber in lemons helps to fight hunger cravings. Some studies have shown that people who have an alkaline balanced diet lose weightquicker. I notice a huge difference in my appetite when I forget to drink my warm water. I feel ...
Fox News
Could staying up too late interfere with diet and weight loss?
Fad diets, exercise and diet pills are all ways proposed to help people lose weight. But a frequently ... The finding, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, links partial sleep deprivation to weight gain and inability to ...
The Fitness Brother: Jump start your weight loss
Hesperia Star
Changing your eating habits, implementing regular exercise and planning relaxing activities are a great way to begin your weight loss journey with strong momentum. Using the right tools will allow you to make healthier changes but there are certain ...
Fat Burning Reviews: Do Raspberry Ketones Work for Fast Weight Loss?
Muncie Free Press
Staff Report. raspberry-diet NEW YORK, NY - Those who have watched the Dr. Oz show in the past know that he has a thing for finding fat burning solutions for men and women who have a desire to lose weight but may need a little help. ... On his website...
Muncie Free Press
Weight-loss surgery may affect bone density: study
Stock and Land
BEFORE surgeons removed a large part of her stomach to help her lose weight, Vanessa Hall asked her doctor what affect the procedure would have on her body by the time she turned 80. His answer, she said, was: ''We don't ... But endocrinologists from ...
Despite losing 60 lbs, Marissa Winokur wails: 'I'll always be a chubby actress'
In addition to denying herself food to maintain her 60-pound weight loss, Marissa is focused on fitness. "I'm really, really active. I think the biggest thing is that it's become my life," she said. But she's convinced that because she's "in Hollywood ...
Gail's Weight Loss offers strategies, support for success
Losing weight will bring many health benefits to Margaret, says Denise Henry, CHN, the owner of Gail's Weight Loss Centre, located at #7 - 816 First Avenue North in Saskatoon. "Losing weightcan help ... "As my clients lose weight, I can actually see ...
Health care Exchanges offer expansion in coverage but Texas faces uncertainty ...
For Texas health insurance providers, employers and insurance consumers, the lack of state involvement could mean a longer wait to find out exactly what form the exchange will take and less input in the process. “Different stakeholders have wondered ...
Home health care proposal draws support, concern
The Morning Sun
The measure is a bid to counter the law passed earlier this year that spurred a lawsuit by Service Employees International Union Healthcare Michigan, which had been the bargaining unit for homehealth care aides before the law was enacted. A federal ...
Health care cost estimates are crucial to retirement income planning
“There are not enough advisers right now talking about future health care costs with their clients, but more will soon learn how or risk losing customers to an adviser who can,” said John Carter, president of distribution and sales for Nationwide ...
Obama calls for compromise but says he won't 'surrender' health care or ...
Washington Post
CONCORD, N.H. — President Barack Obama says he's willing to work across party lines to end gridlock in Washington but will not give up key Democratic measures like college financial aid orhealth care to achieve compromises. While campaigning with ...
How health care changed as you watched the campaigns
Under that model, firms pay a fixed amount for employees' health benefits and allow workers to choose their coverage from an online marketplace, such as the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges or the emerging number of privately run ...
Doctor faces health care challenges in downtown Las Vegas
Las Vegas Review - Journal
They also are a big reason Damania and his wife, radiologist Margaret Lin, heeded the call from Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh to drop everything and move to Las Vegas and "help fix health care." Hsieh, who ... It ranks high in smoking and lack of health insurance.

Las Vegas Review - Journal
Future of health care exchanges on the line
Omaha World-Herald
As envisioned, health care exchanges will be one-stop shops for consumers. People can compare and buy private health insurance, get set up with federal subsidies to make coverage more affordable or enroll in Medicaid if eligible. The outcome of Tuesday ...
Health Care Thoughts: Business Model Angst
Business Insider
Health Care Thoughts: Business Model Angst For the past two months I have been absorbed more so than usual in health care strategic and regulatory compliance issues. One of the top trends is the scramble for a workable business model for providers.
Under that model, firms pay a fixed amount for employees' health benefits and allow workers to choose their coverage from an online marketplace, such as the Affordable Care Act's health insurance exchanges or the emerging number of privately run ...
Doctor faces health care challenges in downtown Las Vegas
Las Vegas Review - Journal
They also are a big reason Damania and his wife, radiologist Margaret Lin, heeded the call from Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh to drop everything and move to Las Vegas and "help fix health care." Hsieh, who ... It ranks high in smoking and lack of health insurance.
Las Vegas Review - Journal
Future of health care exchanges on the line
Omaha World-Herald
As envisioned, health care exchanges will be one-stop shops for consumers. People can compare and buy private health insurance, get set up with federal subsidies to make coverage more affordable or enroll in Medicaid if eligible. The outcome of Tuesday ...
Health Care Thoughts: Business Model Angst
Business Insider
Health Care Thoughts: Business Model Angst For the past two months I have been absorbed more so than usual in health care strategic and regulatory compliance issues. One of the top trends is the scramble for a workable business model for providers.
Physician Assisted Suicide in Massachussetts | The Health Care Blog
To qualify, a patient would have to be an adult resident who (1) is medically determined to be mentally capable of making and communicating health care decisions; (2) has been diagnosed by attending and consulting physicians as having an incurable, irreversible disease that will, within reasonable medical judgment, cause death within six months; and (3) voluntarily expresses a wish to die and has ... INSIDE THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT ... Health Insurance Exchanges Work ...
The Health Care Blog
Phone Apps Keep Your Health Insurance Handy |
Your smartphone can help make health insurance more manageable. ... Health care apps can be shared when others need access to your medical data.
To qualify, a patient would have to be an adult resident who (1) is medically determined to be mentally capable of making and communicating health care decisions; (2) has been diagnosed by attending and consulting physicians as having an incurable, irreversible disease that will, within reasonable medical judgment, cause death within six months; and (3) voluntarily expresses a wish to die and has ... INSIDE THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT ... Health Insurance Exchanges Work ...
The Health Care Blog
Phone Apps Keep Your Health Insurance Handy |
Your smartphone can help make health insurance more manageable. ... Health care apps can be shared when others need access to your medical data.
Health Care Law May Be Obama's Downfall | RealClearPolitics
"I think that the manner in which the health care reform was put in front of the Congress, the way that the issue was dealt with by the White House, cost Obama a ...
Follow @nothinnormally