Futurity.org – After divorce, many women lose health insurance
By Diane Swanbrow-Michigan
After divorce, many women lose health insurance. Women in moderate-income families face the greatest loss of insurance coverage, because they're more likely than higher-income women to lose private coverage and have less access than ...
Weight loss clinic says you can lose weight without exercising, but does it work?
NEW ORLEANS -- It's a popular weight loss clinic where people say they lose a lot of weight, quickly, with no cravings, hunger or exercise. So what's behind the testimonials? When Bonny Walton, 49, hit her 40s, she could not lose weight. Then she went ...
Anne Hathaway shows off 25-lb weight loss at New York gala
Hathaway channeled the late Audrey Hepburn with her gamine pixie haircut in a body-hugging sleeveless black dress that accentuated her tiny waist. Anne, who recently switched to a vegan diet, confessed she crash-dieted to play Fantine in "Les Miserables.
Diet helps combat holiday pounds
This seven-day weight loss management plan has found the interest of students looking to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Camille Daniels, a third year psychology student from Bradenton, ... According to Freddy Kaye, a clinical ...
Loving her low-carb life, Sharon Osbourne shows off 28-pound weight loss
San Francisco Luxury News
After losing 28 pounds on the Atkins diet, Sharon Osbourne looks and feels fabulous. And she ...Her weight loss is part of Sharon's focus on leading a healthy, happy life. But her diet ... I want tolose another seven and I'll do that over time ...
Will New Diet Drugs Cure the Obesity Epidemic?
Caribbean Media Vision
Americans love a quick fix, and the pharmaceutical industry has obliged with products to lose ourweight for us. Two new weight loss drugs have hit the market in spite of safety concerns: Qsymia and Belviq. The FDA had ... The drugs are considered ...
How to Beat 5 Embarassing Ailments With Your Diet
U.S. News & World Report (blog)
... we expect to get everything we seek with lightening speed. But it's not just information we want quickly—we also expect weight-loss diets to take effect immediately, and we want our workouts to make us look like body builders as soon as we join ...
GFD for the Gluten Tolerant: Healthy Cure-All, or Dangerous Fad?
Some, like a Jennifer Esposito and Miley Cyrus suffer from celiac disease or non-celiac gluten intolerance, while others like Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga don't have any kind of wheat intolerance, but still tout the diet's health benefits (often weight ...
Featured Article Avoiding Pitfalls of Corporate Weight Loss Programs
Workforce Management
They were given access to nutrition and other wellness services and their physical activity was tracked—participants burned nearly 22 million exercise minutes and their pedometers approached 5 billion steps. ... "They say, `Help us lose weight.' says ...
Gov. Jindal confirms Louisiana won't do health insurance exchange ...
By Laura Maggi, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune
Gov. Bobby Jindal confirmed to the Huffington Post that Louisiana will not implement its own health insurance exchange, the new marketplaces for purchasing coverage that are supposed to be created within a year. The article, posted ...
New Orleans Metro Real Time News
Health Care - Washington Post
Now that we know the Affordable Care Act will be fully implemented major ... The Veterans Administration runs the country's largest health care system, with ...
Get going on health-care exchange
Greensboro News & Record (blog)
Get going on health-care exchange. Our editorial today urges the state to run the Affordable Care Act-mandated health insurance exchange rather than leave it to the feds. Last year, the state signaled its intent to operate its own program, but the ...
States face Friday deadline on health insurance exchanges
Kansas City Star
Many states that opposed the health care overhaul didn't prepare for the exchanges, hoping that a Mitt Romney presidential victory and a Republican takeover of the Senate would deal the law a death blow. But President Barack Obama won and Democrats ...
Kansas City Star