For a special autumnal dish, try making roasted chicken thighs with lemon and maple-glazed delicata squash. Melissa Clark shows how.
Don't rush weight-loss efforts
The immediate problem with that is this: What happens after you go off the diet? Theweight tends to return, and quick weight-loss suggestions are most likely not helping you to lose much fat but rather to lose water weight or lean muscle tissue, the ...
Bariatric surgery helps with weight loss but it's a godsend for diabetics
In comparison, people involved in weight-loss programs that emphasize diet and exercise lost only 5 to 9 percent of their body weight after one year, and after four years reported weights only 2 to 6 percent less than when they started. Another article ...
Is the Caveman Diet for you?
Stuttgart Daily Leader
The quick weight loss they promise appeal to our need for things to happen quickly—so we can get back to our old ways. Email; Share; Print. By Janice Norris/ Health is Wealth ... Lately, there seems to be approaching more sensible approaches to weight ...
Supplements minimally beneficial for losing weight
The Herald |
No matter what supplement you take, you need to limit your calories and increase exercise. For the few pills that have a small benefit, you must ask yourself, is the cost of purchasing the weight-loss supplement worth such a minimal benefit? To lose ...
FitGirl: Carbs Are Now OK For Dieting
Neon Tommy
Dr. David Ludwig of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children's Hospital published a 4-week study examining weight loss results between low-fat, low-carbohydrate and low-glycemic diets in obese adults ages 18-35 ...
Cheating on that diet? A behavior change is needed
Sioux City Journal
Here are a few key stumbling blocks you should understand and watch out for when changing any behavior, including the way you eat and exercise, along with the tools that will help you prevent or overcome them. Triggers. Problem: These ... For example ...
Low-carb diets win for burning more fat and reducing dementia risk, say studies
More evidence mounts in favor of turning to low-carb diets for weight loss and for protection against dementia, according to several new studies. ... Adding to the evidence favoring low-carb diets: National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers ...
The Paleo Diet: Eating like a caveman for optimum health
According to the Paleo (or Paleolithic) Diet, modern humans are not fully adapted to the nutrition andlifestyle changes that occurred after the Neolithic Revolution about 12,000 years ago. Agricultural advances ... A team of nutrition and fitness ...
Want to Lose Weight? Get a Good Night's Sleep
Medical Daily
... flat belly: Cut down a bit of your belly every day by using this 1 weird old tip. Researchers say that lifestyle changes like healthy eating and exercise can help people lose weight, but maintaining good sleep habits can get people manage their ...
Medical Daily
DietPoint - Weight loss meal planner in all-new design | Promotion ...
DietPoint has the largest mobile weight-loss community and is the best motivator for everybody who wants to lose weight The DietPoint mobile application has ...
The 'Health Care Fiscal Cliff' Could Take The Economy Down
Besides the looming “fiscal cliff” at the end of the year—when the Bush tax cuts expire, the “sequestration” cuts (part of the 2011 budget agreement) will begin, and the federal debt will hit the ceiling again—we also face a “health care fiscal cliff ...
Sherman Health Systems selects Advocate Health Care as partner
Chicago Tribune
The deal, expected to close in 2013, follows a massive consolidation in the hospital industry, as providers seek to broaden their reach, dilute costs and integrate technology and other systems ahead of implementation of the 2010 health care overhaul ...
States rein in health insurance expenses
2012 - Financially strapped state and local governments are saving billions of dollars on health insurance by cutting back on free coverage for employees and raising worker contributions, a USA TODAY analysis finds. Government workers still enjoy more ...
Health care costs concern business owners
President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare,” in 2010 in a bid to reduce the number of uninsured Americans and to limit costs. Republican challenger Mitt Romney has vowed to repeal the ...
Four health care providers band together
Springfield News-Leader
But this agreement establishes a company that brings together four health care systems with $6.5 billion each year in net revenue. Hospital officials hope it will give them more clout and ease their transition into the new rules of health care reform ...
Seven Factors Driving Up Your Health Care Costs
There is no one villain in the battle against rising health care costs. Currently, the United States spends more on health care services than any other country, exceeding $2.6 trillion, or about 18 percent of gross domestic product. Most years, medical ...

Mental Health Insurance Parity vs Insurance Industry: Who's Winning? (blog)
I want to believe that they understand the connection between mental and physical health and thathealth care costs would drop if we treated both equally and fairly. I want to believe that insurance companies put people before profits and that they ...
Community health care workers: Important bridge to quality medical care
Community health care workers (CHWs) are a vital part of the nation's functioning health caresystem, though many people do not know what a community health care worker does or how they benefit underserved communities. ... For Latinos and other groups ...
A Take On Health Care Reform |
"Health care reform is among the most significant -- and controversial -- pieces of federal legislation in the last several decades. People continue to debate whether reform will cure much of what ails the American health insurance system or ... Today's new stories...
America's Debt Problem Is a Health Care Financing Problem - Hit ...
By Peter Suderman
If not for health care, the federal government would have virtually no debt. Over at ... As a thought experiment, let's suppose that medical expenditures had been self-financed since the inception of government health care in the 1960s.
Hit & Run
Obama: Health care law isn't a 'scary monster'
The Hill (blog)
"Our health care system is one-sixth of our economy. And if we have a situation where spending onhealth care at every level is going up at 6, 7, 10 percent a year, and we've got millions of people without coverage or inadequate coverage, the ...
DietPoint has the largest mobile weight-loss community and is the best motivator for everybody who wants to lose weight The DietPoint mobile application has ...
The 'Health Care Fiscal Cliff' Could Take The Economy Down
Besides the looming “fiscal cliff” at the end of the year—when the Bush tax cuts expire, the “sequestration” cuts (part of the 2011 budget agreement) will begin, and the federal debt will hit the ceiling again—we also face a “health care fiscal cliff ...
Sherman Health Systems selects Advocate Health Care as partner
Chicago Tribune
The deal, expected to close in 2013, follows a massive consolidation in the hospital industry, as providers seek to broaden their reach, dilute costs and integrate technology and other systems ahead of implementation of the 2010 health care overhaul ...
States rein in health insurance expenses
2012 - Financially strapped state and local governments are saving billions of dollars on health insurance by cutting back on free coverage for employees and raising worker contributions, a USA TODAY analysis finds. Government workers still enjoy more ...
Health care costs concern business owners
President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare,” in 2010 in a bid to reduce the number of uninsured Americans and to limit costs. Republican challenger Mitt Romney has vowed to repeal the ...
Four health care providers band together
Springfield News-Leader
But this agreement establishes a company that brings together four health care systems with $6.5 billion each year in net revenue. Hospital officials hope it will give them more clout and ease their transition into the new rules of health care reform ...
Seven Factors Driving Up Your Health Care Costs
There is no one villain in the battle against rising health care costs. Currently, the United States spends more on health care services than any other country, exceeding $2.6 trillion, or about 18 percent of gross domestic product. Most years, medical ...
Mental Health Insurance Parity vs Insurance Industry: Who's Winning? (blog)
I want to believe that they understand the connection between mental and physical health and thathealth care costs would drop if we treated both equally and fairly. I want to believe that insurance companies put people before profits and that they ...
Community health care workers: Important bridge to quality medical care
Community health care workers (CHWs) are a vital part of the nation's functioning health caresystem, though many people do not know what a community health care worker does or how they benefit underserved communities. ... For Latinos and other groups ...
A Take On Health Care Reform |
"Health care reform is among the most significant -- and controversial -- pieces of federal legislation in the last several decades. People continue to debate whether reform will cure much of what ails the American health insurance system or ... Today's new stories...
America's Debt Problem Is a Health Care Financing Problem - Hit ...
By Peter Suderman
If not for health care, the federal government would have virtually no debt. Over at ... As a thought experiment, let's suppose that medical expenditures had been self-financed since the inception of government health care in the 1960s.
Hit & Run
Obama: Health care law isn't a 'scary monster'
The Hill (blog)
"Our health care system is one-sixth of our economy. And if we have a situation where spending onhealth care at every level is going up at 6, 7, 10 percent a year, and we've got millions of people without coverage or inadequate coverage, the ...