Eating for Health, Not Weight
New York Times
Some diets that may help you lose weight may be harmful to your health over time. A widely publicized study earlier this year showed that a ... They also engaged in moderate exercise and stress-management techniques, and participated in a support group ...
New York Times
Want to lose weight? Be sure to get enough sleep, experts say ...
Weight loss: Lack of sleep can undermine efforts to lose weight, multiple ... say sleep should be factored into weight-loss plans along with diet and exercise.
Starbucks diet credited for woman's 75-pound weight loss
The credit for her weight loss though probably doesn't really belong to a 'Starbucks diet'. Rather, it just further proves that counting calories is an effective way to lose weight. According to the Daily News, a new study published in Agricultural ...
One company claims 15 lbs of weight loss is possible in two weeks!
Weight Loss is Canada's premiere whole-foods-based weight-loss and lifestyle-change system. The company has helped over 3,000 people successfully lose weight. “Our 15 lbs in two weeks program is personalized, which is why it works,” said Lori Kennedy ...
Has Jennifer Connelly taken her weight loss diet too far?
Has Jennifer Connelly taken her weight loss diet too far? Jennifer Connelly has sparked weight loss concerns among fans, following the release of new photographs which show the actress looking painfully thin. The 41-year-old was recently photographed ...
Eating For Health, Not Weight
Huffington Post
McDonald's, for instance, is now posting them. But our widespread hope for weight loss makes us vulnerable to all kinds of promises, even ones that aren't true, when it comes to food. Read the whole story at Contribute to this Story ...
Red carpet diet secrets of Emmy nominees Zooey Deschanel and Julianna ...
Allergic to wheat, Zooey focuses on eating right by buying her food at a health food store, she toldHealth magazine. Describing herself as "really disciplined" when it comes to her diet, Zooey eats primarily "vegetables, fruits, lean meat and nuts" to ...
7 simple diet swaps
Fox News
... a large fries to small fries. You just saved 270 calories. 6. Happier trails. Switch from trail mix to dried fruit. You just saved 61 calories. 7. Say no to salad. Switch from a taco salad to a taco. You just saved 396 calories. This originally ...
Florida conflict on health care law divides voters
Orlando Sentinel
Voters have a clear choice between Obama, who counts the Affordable Care Act as his signature legislative achievement, and Romney, who vows to try to repeal the law starting "on day one" while retaining some of its most popular provisions. Florida ...
Health care law's penalty worries some
Add to. Share Flag as inappropriate. Loading... Alert icon. Sign in or sign up now! Alert icon. Loading... Published on Sep 22, 2012 by CNN. Lisa Sylvester reports on patients who fear they won't be able to afford the costs involved in the new health ...
Health care debate to have major impact on America
Janis Haddon of Atlanta holds a glove with a message outside the Supreme Court in Washington as the court concluded three days of hearing arguments on the constitutionality of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Back | Next. Republican ...
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