U.S. News & World Report (blog)
You might think that in order to lose weight, you must live a rigid, inflexible life, and push yourself to constant extremes. That's what reality TV shows like The Biggest Loser might have you believe. But that's not reality. Fact is: You can enjoy ...
4 Myths That May Be Affecting Your Waistline
Huffington Post
Every day, we are tempted to try another weight loss product or fad diet. In fact, daily, we engage in thoughts that may not be conducive to our weight-loss goals. These thoughts are communicated to us via media and what celebrities do to lose weight ...
Commercial weight loss program evaluated
Science Codex
Anyone who wants to lose weight has a wide variety of diets to choose from, but knowledge of what works is often poor. Researchers at ... Itrim is based on available research on sustained weight lossthrough diet and exercise. Each participant selects ...
For More Weight Loss, Exercise Less?
Previous research has shown that exercise alone doesn't reliably lead to weight loss— without accompanying restrictions in diet — a dismaying fact that many hopefulweight-losers know firsthand. But a recent Danish study suggests that physical ...
New weight loss drug Qsymia on sale: how to know if it's right for you
However, experts caution that if you need to lose just a few pounds, you should use a different weight loss method, such as Dr. Oz's approved safe crash diet (click here for details). But if your weight is threatening your health, it's worth ...
Should You Try the Starbucks Diet?
Shape Magazine (blog)
I also want my clients to lose weight in a sustainable way that optimizes their health, which means an eating strategy or plan (not a temporary “diet”) that contains nutrient-rich, clean foods, including a minimum of five servings (think five tennis ...
Shape Magazine (blog)
To lose weight, sleep on it
The Desert Sun
Lifestyles · Health & Fitness. Experts have some new weight-loss advice that's sure to be welcome news: Sleep can be just as important to a successful diet as healthful eating and exercise. “Chronic sleep restriction is pervasive in modern societies ...
Dr. Oz Weight Loss Guest Expert Joel Fuhrman About Weight Watchers
Like Dr. Fuhrman, representatives of Watch Watchers are also repeatedly featured on the Dr. Oz Show with info and tips on how to lose weight through their program by buying and/or creating food choices/substitutions graded on a point system that allows...
Kirstie Alley: How I maintain my 100-pound weight loss at age 61
Kirstie Alley diet workout · celebrity fitness over 40. Advertisement. Kirstie Alley is more famous for her stunning 100-pound weight loss than for her acting career, but keeping the weight off and being healthy is something she's really proud of, and ...
Latest Post from Fitness Tips for Women Blog, GetFitDaily.com, Announces ...
She mentions an article by The Daily Meal which contains some great advice for those who are willing to invest time and effort into their weight loss. Stacy shares some with her readers. The firs tip she shares is realism. She makes it clear that there ...
G-BOMBS: Superfoods for Weight Loss and Longevity | The Dr. Oz ...
A high-nutrient eating style is the key to dramatic weight loss, optimal overall health, and longevity. When your diet is based on nutrient-dense foods – G- BOMBS ...
Health Care Tax Penalty Investment Fee Will Hit Six Million People
Reason (blog)
20, 2012 7:20 am. The doctor is out...of his mind. The number of Americans who will suffer a severe financial penalty under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Acthas been lowballed by at least half, according to the Congressional Budget Office ...
Reason (blog)
Romney Touts His Health Care Credentials
Kaiser Health News
"I have experience in health-care reform," Mr. Romney said in a candidates forum hosted by Univision, the Spanish-language network. "Now and then the president says I'm the grandfather of Obamacare. I don't think he meant that as a compliment ... care ...
Group Health Insurance Premiums up 97% Since 2002
Fox Business
"This year's survey suggests that working families at the low end of the wage scale face significant out-of-pocket costs for coverage," said Gary Claxton, a Kaiser vice president and director of the foundation's Health Care Marketplace Project. "Firms ...
What Affordable Care Act means for businesses discussed
Foster's Daily Democrat
DOVER — A breakfast forum at the Cochecho Country Club on what the Patient Protection and theAffordable Care Act means for businesses focused on what ACA is, how to lower the cost ofhealth insurance and the importance of Medicaid took place ... The ...
Married? Combine health insurance with your spouse.
Christian Science Monitor (blog)
Try hard to make the quotes as equal as possible if you have different health careoptions in each workplace. Most of the time, plans won't be exactly equal, so sit down and determine which plan offers you the best bargain. Consider both your normal ...
Christian Science Monitor (blog)
How a Competitive Health Care Model Falls Short
The Atlantic
The federal employee health insurance program is often touted as holding down the increase in premium prices more successfully than private workplace plans or government-run programs. But a data analysis done for Kaiser Health News (KHN) and ...
Brown And Warren On Health Care: Two Views Of The Problem
Nor does Warren, who says the main problem with Medicare “is the rise in health care costs, and we've got to bring health care costs under control for everyone. And so the question is how we provide needed medical care for all our people at a price we ...