Next story in Diet and nutrition Work burnout tied to stressed eating in women ...They buy gluten-free because they think it will help them lose weight, or because they seem to feel better, or because they mistakenly believe they are sensitive to gluten. ... it today, making it four times more common now than it was 50 years ago, Murray and his colleagues reported Tuesday in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. Don't miss these Health stories. Image: Alberto Perez, founder of Zumba Fitness, performs on stage ...
Over The Counter: Helping teens stay healthy in body, mind
Norwich Bulletin
Johnson Compounding & Wellness Center takes a holistic approach to supporting health and wellness –– with this approach including suggestions on a proper diet; recommendations on exercise, rest and stress reduction; supplement regimens; and, ...
Matthew McConaughey on extreme weight-loss diet
Mother Nature Network (blog)
Agreed — if you want to lose weight, just stick to a healthy combination of lots of fruits and vegetables and exercise. The results may not happen as fast as they do for these celebs, but your body (and mental health) will benefit in the long run.
Mother Nature Network (blog)
Weight-loss success
Jamaica Gleaner
They concluded, "Obese adults were more likely to achieve meaningful weight lossif they ate less fat, exercised more, used prescription weight-loss medications or participated in commercial weight-loss programmes." Researchers also found that liquid diets, non-prescription diet pills and popular diets had no association with successful weight loss. Those who lost at ... fad diet or diet pills. Information courtesy of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and Tufts University Health& Nutrition Letter, July 2012.
Jamaica Gleaner
Colin Farrell Reveals His Diet Secrets: 'Loads Of Green Tea And S*** Loads Of ...
When you think of Colin Farrell, you don't necessarily think of health and fitness, but apparently the Irish actor now lives off a diet of green tea and a "s*** load of vitamins". The 'Total Recall' actor has turned his life around after being the bad boy of Hollywood ...
No fad diet: family-based program promises long-lasting weight loss for obese ...
Prevention Action
Most important, the program involves the whole family, which is key to sustaining the lifestylechanges needed to keep weight in control [See Diet and lifestyle change begins at home]. The program developers recognize that children alone cannot keep up the ...
Abdominal obesity linked to poor sexual performance?
India.Com Health
A bulging waist is not only bad for your physical health it can ruin your sex life as well. A new study has found that men with bulging waits are not only at a higher risk of blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes but it also dampens your sex life. Researchers ...
What's Happening: CrossFit Games, Salt In The ... - The Paleo Diet
Another week has gone by and there is always loads of interesting things worth sharing amongst our Paleo community. In fact, the Paleo Diet Lifestyle team has.
Prasouda Diet Lifestyle | Lose Twenty Pounds
The Prasouda diet is increasingly becoming one of the more popular diet or weight-loss plans across the globe. The plan calls for a holistic approach to weight ...
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