Belfast Telegraph
The actress looks radiant and toned at the age of 46 thanks to a clean diet consisting mostly of unprocessed foods. The former model is famous for advocating a healthy lifestyle and treats her body like the proverbial temple. Elizabeth says that thanks ...
Belfast Telegraph
Eat like a caveman? Health experts wary of the high-protein Paleo diet
Montgomery Advertiser
People who adhere to the Paleo Diet say it's more of a way of life than a way of eating. The premise is you don't eat anything that cavemen couldn't hunt or gather. Such foods are displayed with mastodons outside the Indiana State Museum in ...
Make sure you're getting enough fiber in your diet
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
DONOHUE: Why don't you ever talk about the importance of a high-fiber diet? I never hear any mention of foods we can get fiber from. Let your readers know how important fiber is and how important it is to get the recommended daily allowance. — Anon.
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Jeff Mason column: Reward yourself with healthy diet, great workout
Green Bay Press Gazette
Like my son, I want to live as a healthy person until the moment I die. I know that I only have limited control over this, but I do have some control. In my eyes, the best scenario is that you are healthy, fit and feel good until that moment comes when ...
Falling off diet wagon doesn't hurt
Pocono Record
One of my biggest hurdles with getting ready for this Warrior Dash race is diet. I thought this would be easy since I normally eat very well and keep my home stocked with healthy meals and snacks. I thought working out would only increase my desire to ...
Lifting the lid on the fitness and diet regimes of the Wales rugby squad
Daily Post North Wales
The WRU's head of strength and conditioning Adam Beard and his team of fitness and nutrition experts it could be argued are as important to the players as the likes of Warren Gatland, Rob Howley et al. It is Beard and his team who, quite literally, ...
Should i stay or should i go?
Victoria Times Colonist
It's in the footnotes of every infomercial, magazine article, diet handout or meal plan. It's the goto mission statement for any lifestyle change. "Unless you have some type of pre-existing healthcondition that requires you to check in with your ...
Grooming tips: Foods for healthy hair
Times of India
If oil is passe and hair masks are troublesome, have you tried eating your way to gorgeous healthyhair? Step aside from the sporadic salon and spa treatments, what you really need is protein and iron. Here are foods you can snap up in your kitchen; ...
Online quiz reveals surprising facts about sodium in your diet
Washington Post
The muffin does pack a more nutritious punch and will keep you full longer, but if you are on a low-sodium diet, the chips are the better choice, at least in the short run. In a quiz on, you can also compare the amount of sodium in ...
Angelina celebrates her 37th birthday in sleek shape: her diet and fitness
She faithfully follows the diet known as the "eat clean" food plan, based on the book, The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged: Lasting Fat Loss That's Better than Ever! The dietrequires that Angelina avoid foods containing sugar, white flour, and trans fat.
New York Public not Sweet on Sugary Drinks Limit
Fox News
Lawmakers ridiculed Health Commissioner Thomas Farley, one of the architects of the ban, during the Monday hearing on the Health Department's budget. Councilman Oliver Koppell (D-Bronx) demanded to know if Farley also planned to limit king-size candy ...
Muscle Building Tips For Health And Fitness!
The Bakersfield Voice
Make sure you have enough vegetables in your diet. Some muscle-building diets ignore vegetables while focusing on complex carbs and proteins. There are plenty of healthy nutrients in vegetables that are not included in foods rich in carbohydrates and ...
Girl on the run
Irish Independent
By Rachel Dugan Girl on the runRachel Dugan meets Raedi Higgins, the engineer who swapped building sites for a life in the fast laneWHEN Raedi Higgins decided to ditch engineering for a career in fitness, it wasn't because she saw a gap in the market ...
Foods for children with autism
Fox News
As a certified holistic health counselor and a mother, I've had my share of experience helping children with disabilities. Over the next three weeks, I will be featuring three disabilities that are increasingly prevalent: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) ...
Soy doesn't boost brainpower in older women, study suggests
Fox News
Regardless of any other effects, the nutritional benefits of soy -- including high protein and fiber and low fat -- may make it a good diet addition for some people, researchers said. "There might be a lot of reasons why healthy middle-aged older women ...
Earth Balance Brings Plant-Based Eating to the Masses
PR Web (press release)
Earth Balance, a line of plant-based, all-natural and organic foods launches a “Month of Plant-Based Eating” campaign to educate consumers about the health and environmental benefits of the plant-based diet. The brand has partnered with over 25 ...
PR Web (press release)
“Diet Glasses” Make You Eat Less
Researchers at the University of Tokyo brought the notion of rose-colored glasses to dieting when they developed “diet glasses,” eyewear which tricks its wearers into eating healthy. The glasses employ augmented reality to facilitate better consumption...
Soy-Rich Diet Not Found to Improve Global Cognition
Doctors Lounge
Long-term dietary supplementation with isoflavone-rich soy protein does not appear to improve the global cognition of healthy postmenopausal women, according to research published in the June 5 issue of Neurology. MONDAY, June 4 (HealthDay News) ...
A Healthier Lifestyle Pays
The Ledger
Several Ledger articles, including a recent one titled "Study: Healthy Eating Can Cost Less" [The Associated Press, May 17], state that eating a healthy diet of natural, unprocessed grains, vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts and seeds is more filling.
For older women, supplemental soy may not yield cognitive benefits, study shows
Washington Post
THIS STUDY randomly assigned 313 healthy, post-menopausal women (average age, 61) to supplement their regular diet with 25 grams of soy protein or a placebo daily, either as a powder to mix in food, as a drink or as a bar.
Eight glasses of water a myth: academic
Drinking eight glasses of water a day to lose weight and stay healthy is a myth, a Melbourne academic says. Australian recommendations suggest an adequate daily fluid intake is about 2.8 litres for women and 3.4 litres for men.
In fight against childhood obesity, healthy choices are better than harsh rules
Minnesota Public Radio
We need to give them the tools they need to build a balanced diet. We need to teach them to respect the food they're putting in their bodies, not fear it. Cupcakes have their place in a healthy diet — particularly a child's healthy diet.
Should Large Portions of Soda Be Outlawed?
Shape Magazine (blog)
Here's where I stand: I do not recommend drinking either regular or diet soda. But while I believe that Mayor Bloomberg's intentions are good, it's been my experience as ahealth professional that becoming a food cop typically backfires, ...

Shape Magazine (blog)
Thinking outside the tub
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
But if you think outside the margarine tub, there are other good tasting heart healthy options to put on bread. Just because studies show that polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats lower LDL cholesterol doesn't mean you have to get them from ...
Are you drinking too much water? Millions chugging 'excessive' two litres a ...
Daily Mail
'Drinking large amounts of water does not alone cause weight loss. A low-calorie dietis also required', said Dr Tsindos. 'Research has also revealed that water in food eaten has a greater benefit in weight reduction than avoiding foods altogether.

Daily Mail
6 meatless meals for meat lovers
Fox News
Getting Protein Without Meat “The average American eats around 75 grams of protein per day, but most women need just 50 grams,” said Dr. Walter Willett, chair of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School for Public Health.
Big Surprise! New Study Finds Plant-Based Diet Healthful
One Green Planet (blog)
According to a study just published in the Medical Journal of Australia, vegetarians receive more health benefits than risks from their plant-based diet. The paper, titled “Is a vegetarian diet adequate?,” found that a vegetarian diet provides adequate ...

One Green Planet (blog)
Protein Bar founder wins first Tyree award
Chicago Sun-Times
After Matt Matros' father died of a heart attack, the then-22-year-old Matros transformed himself through exercise and a protein-rich diet from a self-described “fat kid” into a fit, healthy adult, losing 50 pounds in one summer.
The not-so-secret answer to the 'dreaded abs question'
By Lindsay Peters As a personal trainer and fitness instructor at Central Bucks Family YMCA, I want to take this opportunity to address the question I receive most often…the dreaded abs question: How do I get six pack abs? My answer is always the same.
ADHD and diet
Charlotte Observer
We are interested in trying diet modification to control his symptoms but have found conflicting information on the Internet regarding diet and ADHD. Are there any reputable sources on this subject? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is ...

Charlotte Observer
Of Reasons as To Why Eating Apples is a Good Idea | Discovery ...
By admin
Diet, Fitness, and Healthy Lifestyle Review From The Expert. Home · Contact Us ... If this is a scrumptious fruit, but not part of common weight loss plan, then you will study something here that will encourage you enough to change. Why are apples ... Not only will this keep the nutrients that your physique works in ways that all of us take with no consideration, but also provide a number of benefits, in addition to to support our health within the short and lengthy term. But which of these ...
Discovery Health - Diet and Fitness...
Doctors Lounge
Long-term dietary supplementation with isoflavone-rich soy protein does not appear to improve the global cognition of healthy postmenopausal women, according to research published in the June 5 issue of Neurology. MONDAY, June 4 (HealthDay News) ...
A Healthier Lifestyle Pays
The Ledger
Several Ledger articles, including a recent one titled "Study: Healthy Eating Can Cost Less" [The Associated Press, May 17], state that eating a healthy diet of natural, unprocessed grains, vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts and seeds is more filling.
For older women, supplemental soy may not yield cognitive benefits, study shows
Washington Post
THIS STUDY randomly assigned 313 healthy, post-menopausal women (average age, 61) to supplement their regular diet with 25 grams of soy protein or a placebo daily, either as a powder to mix in food, as a drink or as a bar.
Eight glasses of water a myth: academic
Drinking eight glasses of water a day to lose weight and stay healthy is a myth, a Melbourne academic says. Australian recommendations suggest an adequate daily fluid intake is about 2.8 litres for women and 3.4 litres for men.
In fight against childhood obesity, healthy choices are better than harsh rules
Minnesota Public Radio
We need to give them the tools they need to build a balanced diet. We need to teach them to respect the food they're putting in their bodies, not fear it. Cupcakes have their place in a healthy diet — particularly a child's healthy diet.
Should Large Portions of Soda Be Outlawed?
Shape Magazine (blog)
Here's where I stand: I do not recommend drinking either regular or diet soda. But while I believe that Mayor Bloomberg's intentions are good, it's been my experience as ahealth professional that becoming a food cop typically backfires, ...
Shape Magazine (blog)
Thinking outside the tub
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
But if you think outside the margarine tub, there are other good tasting heart healthy options to put on bread. Just because studies show that polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats lower LDL cholesterol doesn't mean you have to get them from ...
Are you drinking too much water? Millions chugging 'excessive' two litres a ...
Daily Mail
'Drinking large amounts of water does not alone cause weight loss. A low-calorie dietis also required', said Dr Tsindos. 'Research has also revealed that water in food eaten has a greater benefit in weight reduction than avoiding foods altogether.
Daily Mail
6 meatless meals for meat lovers
Fox News
Getting Protein Without Meat “The average American eats around 75 grams of protein per day, but most women need just 50 grams,” said Dr. Walter Willett, chair of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School for Public Health.
Big Surprise! New Study Finds Plant-Based Diet Healthful
One Green Planet (blog)
According to a study just published in the Medical Journal of Australia, vegetarians receive more health benefits than risks from their plant-based diet. The paper, titled “Is a vegetarian diet adequate?,” found that a vegetarian diet provides adequate ...
One Green Planet (blog)
Protein Bar founder wins first Tyree award
Chicago Sun-Times
After Matt Matros' father died of a heart attack, the then-22-year-old Matros transformed himself through exercise and a protein-rich diet from a self-described “fat kid” into a fit, healthy adult, losing 50 pounds in one summer.
The not-so-secret answer to the 'dreaded abs question'
By Lindsay Peters As a personal trainer and fitness instructor at Central Bucks Family YMCA, I want to take this opportunity to address the question I receive most often…the dreaded abs question: How do I get six pack abs? My answer is always the same.
ADHD and diet
Charlotte Observer
We are interested in trying diet modification to control his symptoms but have found conflicting information on the Internet regarding diet and ADHD. Are there any reputable sources on this subject? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is ...
Charlotte Observer
Of Reasons as To Why Eating Apples is a Good Idea | Discovery ...
By admin
Diet, Fitness, and Healthy Lifestyle Review From The Expert. Home · Contact Us ... If this is a scrumptious fruit, but not part of common weight loss plan, then you will study something here that will encourage you enough to change. Why are apples ... Not only will this keep the nutrients that your physique works in ways that all of us take with no consideration, but also provide a number of benefits, in addition to to support our health within the short and lengthy term. But which of these ...
Discovery Health - Diet and Fitness...
Diet Tip: Is Coffee Healthy? | Lucille Roberts Blog
By Michelle
Diet Tip: Is Coffee Healthy? Posted on June 5, 2012 by Michelle. For many people, coffee is the most desirable way to start the day. In recent times, coffee tasting has become an art form much like wine tasting. This drink has a pleasing ... Boost Metabolism Coffee boosts metabolism and can help withweight loss. ... Cardiovascular Disease A temporary rise in heart rate and blood pressure is common in those who are sensitive to caffeine and in those who have a sedentary lifestyle.
Lucille Roberts Blog
Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Social Bookmarking .Net
By Fithowellness
Lose weight with Fitho weight loss diet plan. Easy to follow, healthy diet food plans - veg,non-veg & more. New diet chart every week plus more for just Rs 499 pm. Author: Fithowellness.
Social Bookmarking Net | Published News
How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat: The Roles Diet, Stress, And Exercise ...
By psalber
The world's best thinkers on the healthy enterprise ... About Patricia Salber: Patricia Salber, MD, MBA is the founder and host of The Doctor Weighs In. She is a board certified internist and emergency physician who loves to write about fat, fitness, diabetes, and weight loss (and other stuff). She has worked as a physician ... Beyond diet and lifestyle, belly fat is a leading cause of inflammation, and reducing it will play a huge role in your overall health! A Proven Plan To Burn Belly Fat: ...
HealthWorks Collective - The...
Vegetarian diet healthy: medical study |
Vegetarian diet healthy: medical study. June 04, 2012. Australian doctors are being assured their patients will benefit if they adopt a diet that's free of meat.
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