CBS News
(CBS News) Is it safe for a pregnant woman to go on a diet? According to a new study, not only is it safe, but it can even be beneficial and reduce the risk of dangerous complications. Study: Autism risk tied to mom's obesity during pregnancy 1 out of ...
CBS News
Diet Associated With Improved Outcomes in Pregnancy
May 18, 2012 — Among dietary and lifestyle interventions, those based on diet appear to be the most effective and are associated with reduced weight gain during pregnancy and improved obstetric outcomes, according to the findings of a new systematic ...
Healthy Diet Is Affordable, Study Shows (blog)
Andrew Carlson and Elizabeth Frazão turned to the USDA's online guide, ChooseMyPlate, as a template for modeling a healthy diet. Using three different data sets, they estimated the cost of 4439 food items. The results are encouraging.
Diet can impact cholesterol levels
Bismarck Tribune
Adding fiber, choosing foods with plant sterols and including plant-based protein in your diet can help you achieve a desirable cholesterol level. Fiber helps lower LDL, the bad cholesterol. Foods high in fiber include those made with whole wheat, ...
Healthy dieting during pregnancy can help you reduce dangerous complications
Although pregnant women have been warned for generations not to diet while pregnant, a new study in the British Medical Journal shows that eating a healthy diet that is guided by dieticians and other resources may actually help reduce some ...
Healthy, calorie-controlled diet important during pregnancy - study
University of London researchers say eating a healthy, calorie-controlled dietduring pregnancy can help prevent excessive weight gain and cut the risk of complications. Dietary restrictions were the most effective when compared to exercise as well as ...
Going 'locavore' to stay fit
And good nutrition and sound eating habits are crucial to maintaining that activelifestyle with an aging body. “With anyone - especially people over 50 - there is a link between healthy fresh food and a healthy lifestyle,'' said Bridget Meigs, ...
Kim Kardashian Pushes Sketchy Diet Pills in Great Britain
By TheImproper, May 19th, 2012 Kim Kardashian appeared at the UK launch of her controversial QuickTrim diet supplements, even though she and the pill maker are being sued in the United States for false advertising. Health experts say the pills are ...
Despite the stares, South Floridians swear by 'feeding tube' diet
The KE Diet may be new to the United States, he said, but it has helped more than 57000 patients in Europe lose weight and keep it off for six years now — "without a single incident of infection, bleeding or broken tube." Developed by an Italian ...
Excess fat around the waist may increase death risk for women
Arizona Daily Sun
Every two years, the women completed questionnaires about their health, providing information about their age, activity level, smoking status, diet, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The researchers examined the cause of death for all women who ...
Olive tree in Italy to be named after Michelle Obama
During the ceremony, the seventh-century tree dubbed "the Queen" will be dedicated to the US president's wife as recognition for her work to educate Americans about the importance of ahealthy diet that encompasses many of the eating traditions in ...
Report highlights importance of weight management during pregnancy
Malta Independent Online
It must be stressed that the researchers are not advising pregnant women to lose weight, but the main point is the need to obtain advice from a midwife or a health care professional with respect to weight management and controlling the amount of weight ...
Italy dedicates 1400-year-old olive tree to Michelle Obama
Business Standard
The Seventh-century tree called "The Queen" has been dedicated to Michelle to honour her for her work to educate the US about the importance of healthy diet, which encompasses many of the eating traditions in Italy and other Mediterranean countries.
Keep moving: Be active, be healthy
People who live active lives, eat a balanced diet, and get regular health screenings reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, stoke, and cancer. Building activity into each day ...
Dieting During Pregnancy More Beneficial Than Exercise
Daily Gossip
Over the past few years the myth that during pregnancy eating for two is healthy has been put under scrutiny. The way people abuse of food under the pretext of pregnancy puts both the mom and the baby at risk. A new study shows that dieting during ...
Daily Gossip
Can a raw food diet heal arthritis and heart issues?
So when a friend lent the seamstress a book on the health benefits of a raw food diet, she immediately began a regimen of only uncooked meals with the hope of healing herself. Three months later she regained function in her hands and could pull a ...
A health champion and his school without junk food
His mission: to pull students with few options for healthy eating off the road to obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. But that was a challenge at Codman, which has no athletic facilities, and no kitchen or cafeteria.
Tamaqua students make fitness fun
Standard Speaker
Fit Day, an event organized by seven Tamaqua Area High School juniors, focused on combatting obesity with a healthy diet, exercise and lifestyle changes. And while there were brochures to pick up and studies to read, the event outside Tamaqua ...
Standard Speaker
Certain fats in the diet can fry your brain
Researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital published the findings May 18, 2012 in the journal Annals of Neurology that included 6000 women who were part of the US Women's Health Study. Women who ate the lowest amount of saturated fat had higher ...
Swedes Lob Dynamite Into a Controversy: High-Fat Diet Improves Blood Sugars
Diabetes Health (press release)
One group went on a low-carb, high-fat diet, while the other went on a low-fat diet. Patients in both groups lost an average of four kilograms (8.8 pounds) of weight. However, the group on the high-fat diet enjoyed a drop in blood sugar levels, ...
Hefty Memphis is big business
Memphis Commercial Appeal
Now, thanks to a combination of the surgery, diet adjustments and exercise, she weighs 161 pounds. If the health care industry ran strictly on the numbers, treating obesity would be a multibillion-dollar opportunity in America each year.
Kim Kardashian launches diet pills in UK as $5M lawsuit remains pending in US
Reality star Kim Kardashian appeared at the UK launch of the controversial diet pill QuickTrim at the Westfield London shopping mall on May 19, 2012, as a $5 million false-advertising lawsuit remains pending against her and the diet pill manufacturers ...
Hot Topics: Healthy eating isn't more expensive – depending on how you ...
If you're already a kale and lentils kind of person (we know there are a lot of frugal foodies out there) – you won't be surprised by this finding: According to a new study from some economists at the USDA, eating a healthy diet isn't necessarily more ...
Women's Health Screenings at Each Stage of Life
Wrangler News
Jill Bish, RNC, director of Women's Services at Tempe St. Luke's Hospital, believes that one of the most important things a woman can do for herself and for her family is to take care of herhealth by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, ...
Staying engaged
Her schedule may sound loaded, but Anger is a model of what many aging specialists say older adults need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle - both in body and brain: learn new things, stay socially active, and maintain physical fitness.
Is your workout doing more harm than good?
Times of India
Everyone wants to be in shape and many are rigorously into various levels of extreme fitnessactivities. But these are actually causing more harm than good to you, in your quest to lose weight. Says fitness expert, Jivesh Shetty, "People who want to ...
6 Smart Weight Loss Tricks
Pack your fridge with healthy foods and follow these 6 smart weight loss tricks to get used to a silhouette-friendly eating regime. Learn the most important dos and don'ts of slimming and pile up on body. Are you lusting after a lean and ...
Wes Cole: Weight-loss principles
Most of us have tried low carbohydrate diets, low fat diets, aerobics or weight lifting, but according to our fitness expert, Wes Cole, there are four laws of weight lossthat will always be. Create a caloric deficit - This is a fundamental law of ...
Healthy eating can cost less than junk food, study finds
The State
By SAM HANANEL - AP An Agriculture Department study released last week found that most fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods cost less than foods high in fat, sugar and salt. That counters a common perception among some consumers that it's cheaper ...
Certified Raspberry Ketones Continues to Help People Lose Weight and Feel Great
SBWire (press release)
Salt Lake City, UT -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/19/2012 -- There are many options available in the weight loss world but only one diet supplement is made with 100% natural raspberry ketones, designed to increase fat loss without side effects.
Study Says Top Chain Restaurants Don't Meet USDA Nutrition Standards
If you're trying to keep a healthy diet, a recent study may have you second guessing if you're thinking of dining out. The study shows that more than 90% of top chain restaurants don't meet USDA standards. Many folks may agree that a fast food ...
Taxpayers share burden of health care costs
The Union Leader
In Nashua, programs were started to address some of the issues that contribute to increasedhealth care costs. An annual wellness fair provides city employees with a variety of information on diet and healthy living. Cholesterol testing, blood pressure ...
Tailored Weight Loss Program for Veterans Disappoints
National Journal
By Maggie Fox An intensive, one-on-one weight loss program developed by the Veterans Affairs Department failed to attract many comers, and the few who did take part didn't lose much weight, researchers report. It's not clear why the program did not ...
Coping with arthritis
Minneapolis Star Tribune
In the first part of her book "The Buena Salud Guide to Arthritis and Your Life," she covers the cartilage and joint damage that leads to arthritis and how a healthy diet and low-impact exercise can ease the discomfort. She suggests seeing your ...
Asheville's Mission Health tells you what you need to know to identify ...
Asheville Citizen-Times
May is National Stroke Month, so Mission Health is promoting stroke awareness in the community, to help people understand the symptoms of stroke and what they can do to help prevent it. Here's some of what you need to know.
Doctors allow pregnant women to diet
Information-Analytic Agency
A healthy diet prevents excess weight and cuts the risk of complications., the BBC reports. According to official recommendations, dieting during pregnancy may harm the health of the unborn child. At the same time, 20-40 percent of women in Europe and ...
Information-Analytic Agency
Who are the world's healthiest people?
Your Houston News
My diet consisted of junk food, fast food and any food that could be prepared in a microwave oven. As a result of this lifestyle my weight ballooned to 294 pounds and my bad cholesterol LDL was high. This fast-paced and fast-food lifestyle was going to ...
Cumberland, Salem county health experts discuss 'fat tax' on unhealthy foods ...
Gloucester County Times -
Hirash Kakkilaya and Kelli Janowski, both of the Salem Surgical Weight LossCenter, discuss the concept of a "fat tax" on unhealthy foods, potentially to fund subsidies on healthy, fresh options like fruits and vegetables. If health warnings, exercise ...
Gloucester County Times -
How is a vegan diet healthy? - Yahoo! Answers
Human beings need meat to survive you're depriving yourselfs of nutrients and ... It's pointless to me too. They do get nutrients from some vegetables and soy but ...
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