Fox News
I'm going to assume you're smart enough not to go on a very low-calorie crash diet that sends your body into a metabolic slowdown. The thing is, even if you follow a logical, moderate caloric deficit over time to lose flab in a sane manner, ...
Ditching the diets, living a leaner lifestyle
(WTNH) - If you've tried every diet on the planet from Atkins, to South Beach to Cabbage Soup and you still end up fat, broke and unhappy, then stop! The following tips are guaranteed to take the weight off and improve your health.
Bitter truths about sugar
The Hindu
She would shake off all refined sugars from her diet. You won't catch her biting into a piece of black forest cake. We can't always buy, cook or order food with a nutrition manual in hand. But about sugar we can be sure: Added sugar (AS) is unhealthy.
The Hindu
Nutrition tip: Choose the Mediterranean Diet
By Anita Marlay If you are looking for a heart-healthy eating plan, the Mediterranean diet might be for you. It's well proven that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, beans and seeds provides a steady supply of fiber, micronutrients, ...
Dance your way to fitness
Manila Standard Today
by Joba Botana Most health and wellness experts will agree that any diet plan or method works better when paired with physical activities such as exercising, running and the latest form which is making a trend nowadays is dancing.
What Do You Want to Change About Your Diet?
Making over your plate is an important step in developing a healthy diet, but there are lots of other habits we can't seem to quit when it comes to food. Whether it's eating when you're not hungry or opting for take-out instead of cooking at home, ...
4 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight
Frolicking from one fad diet to another is a surefire way to prevent permanent weight loss. That's because diets just don't work — once you lose weight and go back to your old ways, you'll gain it all back. Weight loss is more about lifestyle changes ...
Sugar branded a poison with calls for tax and regulation
The National
It is everywhere, often using a different name and even appearing as the chief ingredient in so-called health foods such as sports drinks. But now health experts are getting very worried about our craving for sugar. The sweet-toothed habit is said by ...
The National
The information's available
The Star Democrat
By DAVID EVERMAN That's all you need to cut out of your diet every day, seven days a week, to lose one pound a week. "You have to have a deficit of 500 calories a day 3500 calories per week to lose one pound," said Deborah Blood RD, LDN, CDE, ...
Weight Loss Tips for When You Have a Lot to Lose
When you have fifty, seventy or even one hundred pounds – it can be very frustrating todiet. Your diet is less of a sprint and more like a marathon. But you too can be very successful and be a weight loss loser! Get support for your weight loss ...
Kristen Jordan Shamus: 1 step closer to a healthy life
Detroit Free Press
What really mattered was being healthy and comfortable in my own skin. If my clothes fit, that was all I needed. Each time I had a baby, clothes that used to fit didn't anymore. So I'd buy new clothes in a bigger size, telling myself that the extra ...
Victoria's Secret Angel Miranda Kerr unfolds deepest secrets on her beauty !
International Business Times AU
Namita herself being a diet & fitness promoter was very inquisitive to know how serious was Miranda about her nutritional status. To that this is what the supermodel had to say " I adopt the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy and organic, 20% indulgent and that ...
Health Update
Herald Times Reporter
Here's one more reason to avoid trans fats in your diet, especially if you are an older woman: A new study found a 39 percent increased risk of stroke among postmenopausal women who ate the highest amount of this common ingredient in baked goods, ...
Beware of added sugar
The Province
By Nanci Hellmich, McClatchy-Tribune March 4, 2012 Experts warn that added sugars, which add empty calories to the diet, are edging out the food that kids should be eating, especially fruits and vegetables. Kids are gobbling far more added sugars than ...
Meals That Heal: Sorbet for summer
The Hindu
The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A. Both the nutrients are essential for healthyeyesight. Consumption of a high amount of Vitamin A daily reduces the risk of cataract by as much as 40 per cent. Women who eat cantaloupes regularly are a ...
Kardashian sisters sued for $5 million over ineffective diet pills
By Michelle Lincaster The Kardashian sisters always come up with new ways to stay in the media spotlight and this time around they have caused a stir with the QuickTrim diet pills. It has been revealed that the media-loving sisters are reportedly ...
Good Heart Habits In Young Adulthood Pay Off Later In Life: Study
Huffington Post
Northwestern University researchers found that people who led healthy lifestyles as young adults (meaning a low body mass index, not drinking too much alcohol, not smoking, eating a healthy dietand exercising regularly) were also more likely to ...
Is It Possible to Lose Weight without Dieting?
Hive Health Media (blog)
Why assault yourself with yet another diet program, or an exercise routine, when there are better, less painful ways to tackle the issue of weight loss? The very first thing that crosses the mind of a person when he decides to do something about his ...
Lindsay Bonnar: Smart choices, not diet pills, the answer
La Crosse Tribune
After reading an Associated Press article headlined “Does a miracle diet pill exist? A safe drug is elusive” (Feb. 25 Tribune) I found myself thinking —of course a safe drug is elusive, it doesn't exist. The article touched on many things I am ...
The Kardashians 'lied about weight loss pills'?!
The Kardashians are being sued for promoting a weight loss pill which just so happens to not work, AT ALL! Major fail… Turns out the drug, called QuickTrim does not trim quick in any way, shape or form and in fact does NOTHING.
Kardashian sisters sued for $5 million for falsely claiming that diet pills worked
The Kardasian sisters, Kim, Kournety and Khloe, are reportedly being sued for $5 million for claiming that the over-the-counter weight loss pills called QuickTrim were the reason why they look so good. TMZ reports that the suit was filed in New York by ...
Harvard Medical School Adviser: Lifestyle changes help combat liver disease
Detroit Free Press
The most important thing you can do is embark on slow, steady weight loss -- and that requires a balanced, calorie-restricted diet along with regular exercise. It's another example of how healthfullifestyle choices improve health.
Untangling health and fitness (dis) information
Ottawa Citizen
Tired of faux-science spins on health claims, Caulfield, a healthlaw professor at the University of Alberta, went on a quest to find out what really makes us healthy. He spent a year looking atweight loss and fad diets, alternative remedies (like ...
Serving size scams that can make you fat
Well, something like that is happening right now in America's restaurants and supermarkets, but instead of costing you money, these rip-offs are costing you your health and your waistline. See, food manufacturers know that you want to eat healthy, ...
Healthy stuffed cabbage Italian-style
A serving of cruciferous vegetables gives every meal a healthy dose of vitamin C. One potential downside: Cooking cruciferous vegetables, cabbage included, can tend to get a little malodorous or even stinky in the gassy way.
Drink barley water for a thinner waistline
Times of India
Extremely low in calories it acts as a wonderful diet supplement and helps maintain a slim stature. Being low in cholesterol, it is known to reduce cholesterol levels. The core ingredient in this highly useful grain is beta-glucan that is also found in ...
Avoiding skin diseases this rainy season
The Nation Newspaper
Two of the main causes of diseases are wrong diet and lifestyle, which an individual follows either knowingly or unknowingly. Following a diet or life style that is against the season or the nature of a person, creates an imbalance in bodily energies, ...
BLOGS OF THE DAY: Diet soft drinks increase risks of strokes and heart attacks
Daily Mail
By Mail Today Reporter People who drink diet soft drinks daily might have increased risk of vascular events such as stroke, heart attack and vascular death, US researchers said. Study leader Hannah Gardener and her team examined the relationship ...

Daily Mail
The YOU Docs: Make sure those calories you're counting are nutritionally sound
Is counting calories the best way to lose weight? – Lynn, Destin, Fla. A Calories do count – and they're one way to measure your weight-loss efforts – but it makes sense only if the calories you're counting are healthy. We YOU Docs want you to imagine ...
Bonnie Lee Black's ABC's of healthy cooking
A healthy approach to healthy cooking boils down to three basic points — attitude, balance and creativity. This is the philosophy of Bonnie Lee Black, former New York chef and caterer, who teaches healthy cooking and bread baking classes in UNM-Taos' ...
Nutritional myths
24 Hours Vancouver
TRUTH: Dietitians are uniquely trained to advise you on food, healthy eating, and nutrition. Dietitians must be part of a regulatory body, just like doctors, nurses and pharmacists. The terms "Registered Dietitian," "Professional Dietitian" and ...

24 Hours Vancouver
Finally, a Weight Loss Product that's actually good for you
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
NEWtritious™, a fortified functional food and beverage company announced today that its Kherb Appeal™ product is formulated to do much more than just promote healthy weight loss - it can potentially provide the support needed for healthy metabolic ...
Healthy lifestyle lowers mid-age cardiac risk
Zee News
Washington: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle from your 20s into your 40s may spell lower cardiovascular risk in mid-age, says a new study. "The problem is few adults can maintain ideal cardiovascular health factors as they age," said Kiang Liu, ...

Zee News
Get Your Plate in Shape
Daily Mail - Charleston (blog)
This is a great chance to reflect on how you eat and determine if your diet needs a few changes. Take some time this month to get your plate in shape. Eating a healthy diet doesn't have to be difficult.
Detroit Free Press
The most important thing you can do is embark on slow, steady weight loss -- and that requires a balanced, calorie-restricted diet along with regular exercise. It's another example of how healthfullifestyle choices improve health.
Untangling health and fitness (dis) information
Ottawa Citizen
Tired of faux-science spins on health claims, Caulfield, a healthlaw professor at the University of Alberta, went on a quest to find out what really makes us healthy. He spent a year looking atweight loss and fad diets, alternative remedies (like ...
Serving size scams that can make you fat
Well, something like that is happening right now in America's restaurants and supermarkets, but instead of costing you money, these rip-offs are costing you your health and your waistline. See, food manufacturers know that you want to eat healthy, ...
Healthy stuffed cabbage Italian-style
A serving of cruciferous vegetables gives every meal a healthy dose of vitamin C. One potential downside: Cooking cruciferous vegetables, cabbage included, can tend to get a little malodorous or even stinky in the gassy way.
Drink barley water for a thinner waistline
Times of India
Extremely low in calories it acts as a wonderful diet supplement and helps maintain a slim stature. Being low in cholesterol, it is known to reduce cholesterol levels. The core ingredient in this highly useful grain is beta-glucan that is also found in ...
Avoiding skin diseases this rainy season
The Nation Newspaper
Two of the main causes of diseases are wrong diet and lifestyle, which an individual follows either knowingly or unknowingly. Following a diet or life style that is against the season or the nature of a person, creates an imbalance in bodily energies, ...
BLOGS OF THE DAY: Diet soft drinks increase risks of strokes and heart attacks
Daily Mail
By Mail Today Reporter People who drink diet soft drinks daily might have increased risk of vascular events such as stroke, heart attack and vascular death, US researchers said. Study leader Hannah Gardener and her team examined the relationship ...
Daily Mail
The YOU Docs: Make sure those calories you're counting are nutritionally sound
Is counting calories the best way to lose weight? – Lynn, Destin, Fla. A Calories do count – and they're one way to measure your weight-loss efforts – but it makes sense only if the calories you're counting are healthy. We YOU Docs want you to imagine ...
Bonnie Lee Black's ABC's of healthy cooking
A healthy approach to healthy cooking boils down to three basic points — attitude, balance and creativity. This is the philosophy of Bonnie Lee Black, former New York chef and caterer, who teaches healthy cooking and bread baking classes in UNM-Taos' ...
Nutritional myths
24 Hours Vancouver
TRUTH: Dietitians are uniquely trained to advise you on food, healthy eating, and nutrition. Dietitians must be part of a regulatory body, just like doctors, nurses and pharmacists. The terms "Registered Dietitian," "Professional Dietitian" and ...
24 Hours Vancouver
Finally, a Weight Loss Product that's actually good for you
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
NEWtritious™, a fortified functional food and beverage company announced today that its Kherb Appeal™ product is formulated to do much more than just promote healthy weight loss - it can potentially provide the support needed for healthy metabolic ...
Healthy lifestyle lowers mid-age cardiac risk
Zee News
Washington: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle from your 20s into your 40s may spell lower cardiovascular risk in mid-age, says a new study. "The problem is few adults can maintain ideal cardiovascular health factors as they age," said Kiang Liu, ...
Zee News
Get Your Plate in Shape
Daily Mail - Charleston (blog)
This is a great chance to reflect on how you eat and determine if your diet needs a few changes. Take some time this month to get your plate in shape. Eating a healthy diet doesn't have to be difficult.
Kardashian Sisters and QuickTrim Face $5 Million Lawsuit
Diets In Review (blog)
Kim Kardashian along with two of her sisters are being sued for $5 million dollars for allegations the sisters and the makers of QuickTrim made false claims about the product's weight losseffectiveness. The Kardashian sisters had an endorsement deal ...
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