By Nicole Ostrow on March 12, 2012 A daily meal of hot dogs, bacon or hamburgers raises the risk of dying from heart disease or cancer by as much as 21 percent, according to the largest assessment of the health effects from consuming red meat.
Study: Too much red meat may shorten lifespan
By Anne Harding, ( -- Want to live longer? Trade some of the red meat in your diet for fish, nuts, whole grains, and other healthier protein sources, Harvard researchers say. That's the conclusion of a new study, published this ...
Daily serving of red meat raises risk of cancer, heart disease (blog)
By Robert Bazell It is far from a shocking revelation that red meat is not health food. But a new study from the highly respected researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health offers some of the best and most detailed evidence yet that a daily ...
A balanced diet is a healthy diet
Buffalo News
There's no single healthy diet. Many eating patterns sustain good health. What they have in common is lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, along with healthysources of protein and fats. Consistently eating foods like those will help lower your ...

Buffalo News
HealthPop Study: Red meat every day raises risk of dying 3 of 9
CBS News
Roast Beef (Credit: istockphoto) (CBS News) Eating a diet heavy in red meat has been tied to added risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It shouldn't be surprising then that a new study found eating red meat every day appears to increase a ...
All red meat is bad for you, new study says
Chicago Tribune
Eating red meat — any amount and any type — appears to significantly increase the risk of premature death, according to a long-range study that examined the eating habits and health of more than 110000 adults for more than 20 years.

Chicago Tribune
Red meat is blamed for one in 10 early deaths
The Department of Health was last night urged to review its guidance on red meat after a study found that eating almost half the daily recommended amount can significantly increase the risk of dying early from cancer and heart disease.
Red meat will kill you? Stick a fork in me, I'm done!
Los Angeles Times
Its lead author is a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health, and only really smart people get into Harvard. And it's not as though the researchers weren't thorough: They looked at the eating habits and the health of more than 110000 ...
Red meat linked to higher risk of premature death
Pan and colleagues analyzed the diet, health and death data on 37698 men and 83644 women. Participants completed questionnaires about their diets every four years. During the study follow-up period of more than two decades, almost 24000 of the...

Done properly, juicing can play role in healthy diet
When you think of juicing, the first thing to come to mind may be a healthy activelifestyle or an easy way to lose weight. But when you give up the other foods your body needs on a daily basis, it can become harmful to your health.

Scientific Evidence to Support the Role of Lean Beef in a Healthy, Balanced ...
Sacramento Bee
Research clearly shows that choosing lean beef as part of a healthful diet is associated with improved overall nutrient intake, overall diet quality and positive health outcomes. Overall, lifestylepatterns including a healthy diet and physical ...
BalanceDiet(TM) Company Acquires Results Weight Loss and 1-800-Weight-Loss
MarketWatch (press release)
The previous owners of Results Weight Loss, facing foreclosure, had handed the business over to creditors in December 2011. Less than a day before the chain of diet centers was scheduled to cease operations, BalanceDiet's Board acted quickly to assume ...
Study: All Red Meat Linked to Premature Death
Slate Magazine
Bad news for red meat lovers: A new long-term study published online this week from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that eating any type of red meat significantly ups one's risk of premature death. And contrary to what the researchers had ...

Slate Magazine
Diet Bet: All Pro Eaters Enter Pizza-Eating, Weight-Loss Competitions
Huffington Post
Six "All Pro Eaters" vowed to go on a one-month diet on Friday, in an unusual competition that pits once-weighty gorgers against their own fat for a chance at $1000. Whoever loses four percent of their weight over that month splits the pot.
Red Meat Tied to Increased Mortality Risk
ABC News
Watch Video Building a Healthier Generation Watch Video "I think the public healthmessage is pretty straightforward," said Hu. "We should switch from a red meat-baseddiet to a plant-based diet with healthier protein choices.

ABC News
Red Meat Consumption Poses Raw Health Risks, Study Finds
A new report released Monday from The Harvard School of Public Health finds the more read meat in your diet, the greater your risk of death. And the dangers linked to processed meats were even greater. "This new study tells us something even more that...

Red Meat Can Be Unhealthy, Study Suggests
“We should move to a more plant-based diet,” said lead researcher Dr. Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. “This can substantially reduce the risk of chronic disease and the risk of premature death ...
Risks: More Red Meat, More Mortality
New York Times
The analysis, published online Monday in Archives of Internal Medicine, used data from two studies that involved 121342 men and women who filled out questionnaires about health and diet from 1980 through 2006. There were 23926 deaths in the group, ...
Report: Meat is self-murder
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
According to a Harvard study, a steady diet of tubular meat, bacon or hamburgers raises the risk of dying from heart disease or cancer by as much as 21 percent. Of course, no one, except perhaps the late, great Ignatius J. Reilly considers eating a hot...

Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Red Meat Can Send Us To An Early Grave, Study Says
RTT News
Though several studies have already suggested an elevated risk of mortality associated with red meat intake, the Harvard-led study is the first to estimate whether substitution of other healthy protein sources for red meat is associated with a reduced ...

RTT News
Diet Detective: Foods can help PMS symptoms
Reno Gazette Journal
Here are some dietary and lifestyle changes that may ease the symptoms. Get calcium: Studies have found that adequate calcium intake, 1200 to 1500 mg daily (about three to four servings of high-calcium foods), reduces both physical and psychological ...
Bad News for Red Meat Lovers
Results from studies following more than 120000 health care professionals link red meat consumption to higher mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In a paper published in Archives of Internal Medicine, An Pan and colleagues report findings ...
Red meat study: Health risks 'very clear'
BBC News
A diet high in red meat can shorten life expectancy, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School. The study of more than 120000 people suggested that red meat increased the risk of death from cancer and heart problems more than previously...

BBC News
Upcoming talk to focus on diet's impact on arthritis
Petoskey News-Review
CHARLEVOIX — A talk, “Transforming Arthritis Care with Diet Therapy,” will take place at 6:30 pm Tuesday, March 20, at the Charlevoix Public Library. Charles Huebner, a rheumatologist with the Harbor Lifestyle Center in Petoskey will discuss the two ...
Red meat early death study: Eating it regularly 'increases risk of death from ...
Daily Mail
While red meat has been blamed for health problems before, the large-scale American study is one of the first to link it to a higher risk of dying. The data, from more than 120000 men and women who were tracked for almost 30 years, was analysed by the ...

Daily Mail
Eating red meat associated with higher risk of death
“These results indicate,” the Harvard researchers concluded, “that replacement of red meat with alternative healthy dietary components may lower the mortality risk.” Data for the study came from two large, prospective studies, the Health Professionals ...
Red meat linked to increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer (blog)
We all know about diets that are high in protein touted as the fastest weight loss among a plethora of diets that are out there. Meat is indeed a large source of protein and fat in the diet. We have had many diets that have shown the link between red ...
Study: Red Meat Can Increase Risk Of Death
In the study, 120000 Americans recorded their diet for 20 years. The results showed that eating just one serving of red meat a day can increase your risk of death by 12 percent. A daily serving of processed meat carried an even bigger risk.
The Paleo Diet: for and against
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
As relative newbies that weren't part of our diet until the dawn of agriculture 10000 years ago, these foods can cause many health problems now dogging the industrialised world because, according to Paleo philosophy, we haven't adapted to eating them.

Sydney Morning Herald (blog) (blog)
By Robert Bazell It is far from a shocking revelation that red meat is not health food. But a new study from the highly respected researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health offers some of the best and most detailed evidence yet that a daily ...
A balanced diet is a healthy diet
Buffalo News
There's no single healthy diet. Many eating patterns sustain good health. What they have in common is lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, along with healthysources of protein and fats. Consistently eating foods like those will help lower your ...
Buffalo News
HealthPop Study: Red meat every day raises risk of dying 3 of 9
CBS News
Roast Beef (Credit: istockphoto) (CBS News) Eating a diet heavy in red meat has been tied to added risk for cancer, diabetes and heart disease. It shouldn't be surprising then that a new study found eating red meat every day appears to increase a ...
All red meat is bad for you, new study says
Chicago Tribune
Eating red meat — any amount and any type — appears to significantly increase the risk of premature death, according to a long-range study that examined the eating habits and health of more than 110000 adults for more than 20 years.
Chicago Tribune
Red meat is blamed for one in 10 early deaths
The Department of Health was last night urged to review its guidance on red meat after a study found that eating almost half the daily recommended amount can significantly increase the risk of dying early from cancer and heart disease.
Red meat will kill you? Stick a fork in me, I'm done!
Los Angeles Times
Its lead author is a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health, and only really smart people get into Harvard. And it's not as though the researchers weren't thorough: They looked at the eating habits and the health of more than 110000 ...
Red meat linked to higher risk of premature death
Pan and colleagues analyzed the diet, health and death data on 37698 men and 83644 women. Participants completed questionnaires about their diets every four years. During the study follow-up period of more than two decades, almost 24000 of the...
Done properly, juicing can play role in healthy diet
When you think of juicing, the first thing to come to mind may be a healthy activelifestyle or an easy way to lose weight. But when you give up the other foods your body needs on a daily basis, it can become harmful to your health.
Scientific Evidence to Support the Role of Lean Beef in a Healthy, Balanced ...
Sacramento Bee
Research clearly shows that choosing lean beef as part of a healthful diet is associated with improved overall nutrient intake, overall diet quality and positive health outcomes. Overall, lifestylepatterns including a healthy diet and physical ...
BalanceDiet(TM) Company Acquires Results Weight Loss and 1-800-Weight-Loss
MarketWatch (press release)
The previous owners of Results Weight Loss, facing foreclosure, had handed the business over to creditors in December 2011. Less than a day before the chain of diet centers was scheduled to cease operations, BalanceDiet's Board acted quickly to assume ...
Study: All Red Meat Linked to Premature Death
Slate Magazine
Bad news for red meat lovers: A new long-term study published online this week from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that eating any type of red meat significantly ups one's risk of premature death. And contrary to what the researchers had ...
Slate Magazine
Diet Bet: All Pro Eaters Enter Pizza-Eating, Weight-Loss Competitions
Huffington Post
Six "All Pro Eaters" vowed to go on a one-month diet on Friday, in an unusual competition that pits once-weighty gorgers against their own fat for a chance at $1000. Whoever loses four percent of their weight over that month splits the pot.
Red Meat Tied to Increased Mortality Risk
ABC News
Watch Video Building a Healthier Generation Watch Video "I think the public healthmessage is pretty straightforward," said Hu. "We should switch from a red meat-baseddiet to a plant-based diet with healthier protein choices.
ABC News
Red Meat Consumption Poses Raw Health Risks, Study Finds
A new report released Monday from The Harvard School of Public Health finds the more read meat in your diet, the greater your risk of death. And the dangers linked to processed meats were even greater. "This new study tells us something even more that...
Red Meat Can Be Unhealthy, Study Suggests
“We should move to a more plant-based diet,” said lead researcher Dr. Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. “This can substantially reduce the risk of chronic disease and the risk of premature death ...
Risks: More Red Meat, More Mortality
New York Times
The analysis, published online Monday in Archives of Internal Medicine, used data from two studies that involved 121342 men and women who filled out questionnaires about health and diet from 1980 through 2006. There were 23926 deaths in the group, ...
Report: Meat is self-murder
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
According to a Harvard study, a steady diet of tubular meat, bacon or hamburgers raises the risk of dying from heart disease or cancer by as much as 21 percent. Of course, no one, except perhaps the late, great Ignatius J. Reilly considers eating a hot...
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Red Meat Can Send Us To An Early Grave, Study Says
RTT News
Though several studies have already suggested an elevated risk of mortality associated with red meat intake, the Harvard-led study is the first to estimate whether substitution of other healthy protein sources for red meat is associated with a reduced ...
RTT News
Diet Detective: Foods can help PMS symptoms
Reno Gazette Journal
Here are some dietary and lifestyle changes that may ease the symptoms. Get calcium: Studies have found that adequate calcium intake, 1200 to 1500 mg daily (about three to four servings of high-calcium foods), reduces both physical and psychological ...
Bad News for Red Meat Lovers
Results from studies following more than 120000 health care professionals link red meat consumption to higher mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. In a paper published in Archives of Internal Medicine, An Pan and colleagues report findings ...
Red meat study: Health risks 'very clear'
BBC News
A diet high in red meat can shorten life expectancy, according to researchers at Harvard Medical School. The study of more than 120000 people suggested that red meat increased the risk of death from cancer and heart problems more than previously...
BBC News
Upcoming talk to focus on diet's impact on arthritis
Petoskey News-Review
CHARLEVOIX — A talk, “Transforming Arthritis Care with Diet Therapy,” will take place at 6:30 pm Tuesday, March 20, at the Charlevoix Public Library. Charles Huebner, a rheumatologist with the Harbor Lifestyle Center in Petoskey will discuss the two ...
Red meat early death study: Eating it regularly 'increases risk of death from ...
Daily Mail
While red meat has been blamed for health problems before, the large-scale American study is one of the first to link it to a higher risk of dying. The data, from more than 120000 men and women who were tracked for almost 30 years, was analysed by the ...
Daily Mail
Eating red meat associated with higher risk of death
“These results indicate,” the Harvard researchers concluded, “that replacement of red meat with alternative healthy dietary components may lower the mortality risk.” Data for the study came from two large, prospective studies, the Health Professionals ...
Red meat linked to increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer (blog)
We all know about diets that are high in protein touted as the fastest weight loss among a plethora of diets that are out there. Meat is indeed a large source of protein and fat in the diet. We have had many diets that have shown the link between red ...
Study: Red Meat Can Increase Risk Of Death
In the study, 120000 Americans recorded their diet for 20 years. The results showed that eating just one serving of red meat a day can increase your risk of death by 12 percent. A daily serving of processed meat carried an even bigger risk.
The Paleo Diet: for and against
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
As relative newbies that weren't part of our diet until the dawn of agriculture 10000 years ago, these foods can cause many health problems now dogging the industrialised world because, according to Paleo philosophy, we haven't adapted to eating them.
Sydney Morning Herald (blog)
Eating processed red meat boosts risk of dying young, Harvard study finds
Robert Laurenzo places sausages in the display of the meat department at Laurenzo's Italian Center on January 9, 2012 in North Miami Beach, Florida. (Joe Raedle/AFP/Getty Images) Eating a portion of red meat daily can increase a person's risk of dying ...
Follow @nothinnormally
Robert Laurenzo places sausages in the display of the meat department at Laurenzo's Italian Center on January 9, 2012 in North Miami Beach, Florida. (Joe Raedle/AFP/Getty Images) Eating a portion of red meat daily can increase a person's risk of dying ...
Follow @nothinnormally