Boing Boing
Since the obesity epidemic is a serious threat to public health and well-being, scientists have made it a research priority, and our understanding of its causes and consequences is rapidly expanding. Obesity can be the result of many interacting ...
Boing Boing
6 Simple Tricks for Quick Weight Loss
Follow a healthy diet to have a perfectly sculpted silhouette and the confidence to show it off. Choose turkey breast instead of meatball to save up to 300 calories per serving. Lose weight by eliminating meatballs from your diet plan.
Diet review: The belly melt diet
Times of India
With expert inputs from Dr. Simran Saini, Weight Loss Management Consultant at Fortis Hospital, we take a closer look at this diet and bring you its essentials in this diet review of the belly meltdiet. Main points of consideration for The Belly Melt ...
Weight Loss: Eimear's bodylight diet
Irish Independent
By Eimear Ni Bhraonain Six weeks ago, Eimear Ni Bhraonain (right) wrote about herweight-loss project. At the start she was 11 st 6 lb and aiming to lose 18 lb. Now at the halfway point of her challenge, this is her progress report as she raises money ...

Irish Independent
The future of weight loss: A 'marijuana' diet pill?
The Week Magazine
They were "resistant to obesity," staying thin despite a high-fat diet without exercise. They even had normal blood pressure, and showed no increased risk of heart disease or diabetes. "To produce the desired effects, we would need to create a drug ...
Can fruit and veg improve your skin?
Harborough Mail
Regardless of whether or not fruit and vegetables have a beneficial effect on the complexion, ahealthy, balanced diet has many other known health benefits. The study was carried out by researchers from the University of St Andrews and was funded by ...
Weight loss surgery carries stigma
Sky News Australia
Weight loss surgery carries stigma Updated: 10:18, Friday March 9, 2012 Obese people who go under the knife continue to be seen as lazy and lacking in willpower even after they lose weight, a new study suggests. Overweight people who drop the kilos ...
Would you put a tube up your nose to diet?
Independent Online
By LEAH HARDY London - This could be the most shocking, controversial diet ever to reach Britain. It is a regime so extreme, so drastic, it makes LighterLife's shakes-only system look like a daily five-course banquet. The KEN, or Ketogenic Enteral ...

Independent Online
Study of the Day: Eating Chocolate for Breakfast Is Good for Your Diet
The Atlantic
By Hans Villarica New research from Tel Aviv shows that starting the day with a full meal that includes a sweet dessert contributes to weight loss success. PROBLEM: Though restrictive diets often result in weight loss, most obese dieters fail to keep ...
Skin Diet: Fruits And Vegetables Can Improve Tone, Study Says
Huffington Post
"I"ma big believer in that you are what you eat," Jacob added, saying that while there is no hard and fast timeline, she would counsel patients changing their diet in order to help improve overall skinhealth to expect changes within two to three ...
Skin Tone Linked To Fruit And Veg Consumption
Medical News Today
Most people know eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for long term health, but unfortunately, not that many actually consume the recommended daily amount. Now scientists at the University of St Andrews in the UK are hoping to appeal to ...
Fruits and vegetables keep skin healthy and glowing: Study
Though most of the people already know that vegetables and fruits add healthy glow to the skin, how many of them actually conform to it? Well, scientists from the University of St. Andrews have revealed that eating about 5 different vegetables or ...
A veggie diet for kids
Times of India
So it is time to make them more aware of the side-effects of unhealthy food habits and encourage them to include more veggies in their diet. A vegetarian diet will provide them with several healthbenefits like lower cholesterol and blood pressure, ...
Weight loss surgery carries stigma: study
Obese people who go under the knife continue to be seen as lazy and lacking in willpower even after they lose weight, a new study suggests. Overweight people who drop the kilos using exercise anddiet are seen far more favourably.
The Secret To Glowing (Yellow) Skin? Eat Your Fruits And Veggies
NPR (blog)
by Nancy Shute Carrots and other veggies give skin a slight yellow tone that people think lookshealthy and attractive. Carrots and other veggies give skin a slight yellow tone that people think looks healthy and attractive.
Women make strides to improve fitness, endorse Blue Zones Project
Quad City Times
Jennifer Wallace of East Moline displays the jeans she wore before realizing a little more than two years ago that she needed to change her diet and lifestyle, resulting in the loss of about 75 to 80 pounds so far. Her goal is to lose another 10 pounds ...
Losing the weight but not the stigma
Medical Xpress
People who achieve a healthy weight through exercise and diet are seen more favourably than those who have had surgery, such as a gastric bypass, the study found. In a paper published in the International Journal of Obesity, researchers from the UNSW ...
8% of Brits think strawberry ice cream counts towards your "five a day"
Around eight in 10 regularly eat junk food - with 37% admitting their diet has become unhealthier since the economic downturn. Meanwwhile a fifth do not know what the Government's “five a day” campaign is about, the survey of 10000 people revealed.
Study finds obesity surgery still has stigma
ABC Online
by medical reporter Sophie Scott A study by researchers at the University of New South Wales has found losing weight as a result of surgery carries more stigma than those patients who lose weightas a result of diet and exercise.
Eat your veggies and get that healthy glow: Study
“Most of us know we should eat plenty of fruit and veg, yet we are not sufficiently motivated to actually go ahead and eat a healthy diet,” Ross Whitehead, a researcher from St. Andrews, said. But, he pointed out, “Government strategies aimed at ...

Weight loss supplements 'not effective'
An Oregon State University researcher, who reviewed the evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements, has said that no research evidence exists that any single product results in significant weight loss - and many have detrimentalhealth ...

Anti-Aging Diet Helps Complexion, Too
About - News & Issues
A new study suggests that eating more fruits and vegetables, a mainstay of an anti-aging diet, can improve your skin color, too (at least for Caucasians). The study, published in the online journal PLoS ONE, found that consuming carotenoids increases ...
Weight loss: the missing link
The Age
“Australians looking to successfully lose weight, and keep it off, need to address their way of thinking, and change their relationship with food.” This does not diminish the importance of healthy eating or exercise. But, in an industry that's growing ...

The Age
Losing weight comes with lifestyle changes, not fad diets
More Info Health Team That's where the Diet Center of Wilson comes in. Opened in February of 2011, the center promotes healthy lifestyle changes by educating people on how to lose weight. The center even has an on-site cooking center, Cook 2 Live, ...
How Carrie Underwood Gets That Blown Away Body
Since leaving American Idol almost eight years ago, Carrie has transformed herself through ahealthy diet and regular fitness routine. Learn more about what the vegan star eats and the exercises that get her through the day!
Fruits, Veggies Can Be Beauty Tools, Study Says
Hispanically Speaking News
The key to a rosy, healthy-looking complexion may be as simple as eating more fruits and vegetables, researchers say. “We found that within a six-week period, fluctuation in fruit and vegetable consumption was associated with skin-color changes,” said ...

Hispanically Speaking News
Foods That Impact Premenstrual Syndrome and Why 11
“Three to 8 percent of women actually suffer from a more severe form of PMS, called PMDD, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder,” says Jennifer Milosavljevic, MD, an OB/GYN in Women's HealthServices at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.
Five Ways to Improve Dental Health
Fox News
Oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease are common but preventable for the most part. Many dental procedures aren't painful, but a simple examination can sometimes feel stressful. Here are five ways to prevent dental problems before they ...
Eating more fruits and vegetables makes skin prettier, study finds
You may not need expensive face creams if you add a few servings of fruits and vegetables to yourdiet. A small study published today in the journal PLoS One found that people who added three servings a day to their diet developed color changes to ...
Benefits of Adding Raw Food to Your Diet, - ...
Benefits of Adding Raw Food to Your Diet Raw food expert Lisa Wilson discusses the benefits of a raw food diet and describes which foods to look for.
Health Matters: Low Potassium Diet: Healthy Eating Plan for People ...
Most of the people nowadays are very much dependent on easy-to-prepare foods. So, it is no longer surprising if the prevalence of chronic illnesses just like ...
Follow @nothinnormally
Follow a healthy diet to have a perfectly sculpted silhouette and the confidence to show it off. Choose turkey breast instead of meatball to save up to 300 calories per serving. Lose weight by eliminating meatballs from your diet plan.
Diet review: The belly melt diet
Times of India
With expert inputs from Dr. Simran Saini, Weight Loss Management Consultant at Fortis Hospital, we take a closer look at this diet and bring you its essentials in this diet review of the belly meltdiet. Main points of consideration for The Belly Melt ...
Weight Loss: Eimear's bodylight diet
Irish Independent
By Eimear Ni Bhraonain Six weeks ago, Eimear Ni Bhraonain (right) wrote about herweight-loss project. At the start she was 11 st 6 lb and aiming to lose 18 lb. Now at the halfway point of her challenge, this is her progress report as she raises money ...
Irish Independent
The future of weight loss: A 'marijuana' diet pill?
The Week Magazine
They were "resistant to obesity," staying thin despite a high-fat diet without exercise. They even had normal blood pressure, and showed no increased risk of heart disease or diabetes. "To produce the desired effects, we would need to create a drug ...
Can fruit and veg improve your skin?
Harborough Mail
Regardless of whether or not fruit and vegetables have a beneficial effect on the complexion, ahealthy, balanced diet has many other known health benefits. The study was carried out by researchers from the University of St Andrews and was funded by ...
Weight loss surgery carries stigma
Sky News Australia
Weight loss surgery carries stigma Updated: 10:18, Friday March 9, 2012 Obese people who go under the knife continue to be seen as lazy and lacking in willpower even after they lose weight, a new study suggests. Overweight people who drop the kilos ...
Would you put a tube up your nose to diet?
Independent Online
By LEAH HARDY London - This could be the most shocking, controversial diet ever to reach Britain. It is a regime so extreme, so drastic, it makes LighterLife's shakes-only system look like a daily five-course banquet. The KEN, or Ketogenic Enteral ...
Independent Online
Study of the Day: Eating Chocolate for Breakfast Is Good for Your Diet
The Atlantic
By Hans Villarica New research from Tel Aviv shows that starting the day with a full meal that includes a sweet dessert contributes to weight loss success. PROBLEM: Though restrictive diets often result in weight loss, most obese dieters fail to keep ...
Skin Diet: Fruits And Vegetables Can Improve Tone, Study Says
Huffington Post
"I"ma big believer in that you are what you eat," Jacob added, saying that while there is no hard and fast timeline, she would counsel patients changing their diet in order to help improve overall skinhealth to expect changes within two to three ...
Skin Tone Linked To Fruit And Veg Consumption
Medical News Today
Most people know eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables is good for long term health, but unfortunately, not that many actually consume the recommended daily amount. Now scientists at the University of St Andrews in the UK are hoping to appeal to ...
Fruits and vegetables keep skin healthy and glowing: Study
Though most of the people already know that vegetables and fruits add healthy glow to the skin, how many of them actually conform to it? Well, scientists from the University of St. Andrews have revealed that eating about 5 different vegetables or ...
A veggie diet for kids
Times of India
So it is time to make them more aware of the side-effects of unhealthy food habits and encourage them to include more veggies in their diet. A vegetarian diet will provide them with several healthbenefits like lower cholesterol and blood pressure, ...
Weight loss surgery carries stigma: study
Obese people who go under the knife continue to be seen as lazy and lacking in willpower even after they lose weight, a new study suggests. Overweight people who drop the kilos using exercise anddiet are seen far more favourably.
The Secret To Glowing (Yellow) Skin? Eat Your Fruits And Veggies
NPR (blog)
by Nancy Shute Carrots and other veggies give skin a slight yellow tone that people think lookshealthy and attractive. Carrots and other veggies give skin a slight yellow tone that people think looks healthy and attractive.
Women make strides to improve fitness, endorse Blue Zones Project
Quad City Times
Jennifer Wallace of East Moline displays the jeans she wore before realizing a little more than two years ago that she needed to change her diet and lifestyle, resulting in the loss of about 75 to 80 pounds so far. Her goal is to lose another 10 pounds ...
Losing the weight but not the stigma
Medical Xpress
People who achieve a healthy weight through exercise and diet are seen more favourably than those who have had surgery, such as a gastric bypass, the study found. In a paper published in the International Journal of Obesity, researchers from the UNSW ...
8% of Brits think strawberry ice cream counts towards your "five a day"
Around eight in 10 regularly eat junk food - with 37% admitting their diet has become unhealthier since the economic downturn. Meanwwhile a fifth do not know what the Government's “five a day” campaign is about, the survey of 10000 people revealed.
Study finds obesity surgery still has stigma
ABC Online
by medical reporter Sophie Scott A study by researchers at the University of New South Wales has found losing weight as a result of surgery carries more stigma than those patients who lose weightas a result of diet and exercise.
Eat your veggies and get that healthy glow: Study
“Most of us know we should eat plenty of fruit and veg, yet we are not sufficiently motivated to actually go ahead and eat a healthy diet,” Ross Whitehead, a researcher from St. Andrews, said. But, he pointed out, “Government strategies aimed at ...
Weight loss supplements 'not effective'
An Oregon State University researcher, who reviewed the evidence surrounding hundreds of weight loss supplements, has said that no research evidence exists that any single product results in significant weight loss - and many have detrimentalhealth ...
Anti-Aging Diet Helps Complexion, Too
About - News & Issues
A new study suggests that eating more fruits and vegetables, a mainstay of an anti-aging diet, can improve your skin color, too (at least for Caucasians). The study, published in the online journal PLoS ONE, found that consuming carotenoids increases ...
Weight loss: the missing link
The Age
“Australians looking to successfully lose weight, and keep it off, need to address their way of thinking, and change their relationship with food.” This does not diminish the importance of healthy eating or exercise. But, in an industry that's growing ...
The Age
Losing weight comes with lifestyle changes, not fad diets
More Info Health Team That's where the Diet Center of Wilson comes in. Opened in February of 2011, the center promotes healthy lifestyle changes by educating people on how to lose weight. The center even has an on-site cooking center, Cook 2 Live, ...
How Carrie Underwood Gets That Blown Away Body
Since leaving American Idol almost eight years ago, Carrie has transformed herself through ahealthy diet and regular fitness routine. Learn more about what the vegan star eats and the exercises that get her through the day!
Fruits, Veggies Can Be Beauty Tools, Study Says
Hispanically Speaking News
The key to a rosy, healthy-looking complexion may be as simple as eating more fruits and vegetables, researchers say. “We found that within a six-week period, fluctuation in fruit and vegetable consumption was associated with skin-color changes,” said ...
Hispanically Speaking News
Foods That Impact Premenstrual Syndrome and Why 11
“Three to 8 percent of women actually suffer from a more severe form of PMS, called PMDD, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder,” says Jennifer Milosavljevic, MD, an OB/GYN in Women's HealthServices at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.
Five Ways to Improve Dental Health
Fox News
Oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease are common but preventable for the most part. Many dental procedures aren't painful, but a simple examination can sometimes feel stressful. Here are five ways to prevent dental problems before they ...
Eating more fruits and vegetables makes skin prettier, study finds
You may not need expensive face creams if you add a few servings of fruits and vegetables to yourdiet. A small study published today in the journal PLoS One found that people who added three servings a day to their diet developed color changes to ...
A nutrient that may lower a woman's risk of heart disease
In addition to a balanced diet, at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day and not smoking are key to a heart-healthy lifestyle, said Toby Smithson, a registered dietitian for the Lake CountyHealth Department and spokeswoman for the Academy of ...
In addition to a balanced diet, at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day and not smoking are key to a heart-healthy lifestyle, said Toby Smithson, a registered dietitian for the Lake CountyHealth Department and spokeswoman for the Academy of ...
2 Week Cleanse? - 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community ...
By briters89
3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community ... If you need to start a strict diet like that in order to lose weight than try it. ... I really think that by going cold turkey for 2 weeks followed by introducinghealthy foods will be the best bet for me.
By briters89
3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community ... If you need to start a strict diet like that in order to lose weight than try it. ... I really think that by going cold turkey for 2 weeks followed by introducinghealthy foods will be the best bet for me.
Is my diet healthy? - Forums
I was wondering if this diet will be healthy in the long run. breakfast: half cup of plain quaker oats oatmeal with strawberries On whey protein shake 30 grams ...
I was wondering if this diet will be healthy in the long run. breakfast: half cup of plain quaker oats oatmeal with strawberries On whey protein shake 30 grams ...
Benefits of Adding Raw Food to Your Diet, - ...
Benefits of Adding Raw Food to Your Diet Raw food expert Lisa Wilson discusses the benefits of a raw food diet and describes which foods to look for.
Health Matters: Low Potassium Diet: Healthy Eating Plan for People ...
Most of the people nowadays are very much dependent on easy-to-prepare foods. So, it is no longer surprising if the prevalence of chronic illnesses just like ...
Follow @nothinnormally