BBC News
The team, led by Prof Jill Attaman from Harvard Medical School in Boston, questioned men about their diet and analysed sperm samples over the course of four years. Compared with those eating the least fat, men with the highest fat intake had a 43% lower sperm count and 38% lower sperm concentration (number of sperm per unit volume of semen)...
BBC News
Is A Vegetarian Diet Healthy?
ChicagoNow (blog)
Becoming a vegetarian is a personal choice, but once you opt in you must know exactly what to eat to stay healthy and fit. There are various classifications of a vegetarian. All include the food groups listed above. Vegans avoid all animal products ...
Study gives more reasons for passing on red meat
"Red meat and especially processed red meat contains a lot of compounds and chemicals that have been linked to chronic disease risk," said Frank Hu, at the Harvard School of Public Health and one of the study leaders. Research has suggested that the ...
More support for passing on the red meat
By Genevra Pittman | NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who eat a lot of red meat are more likely to die at any given time than those who go light on the burgers and hot dogs, a new study suggests. Researchers found that the more servings of processed ...
High soy diet reduces risk of prostate cancer
Fox News
Diet is one factor which has been presumed to pay a key role in reducing the disease rate in Asian countries. In particular, it has been hypothesized that the high intake of soy in these countries may be responsible for the lower risk of prostate ...
Want to Live Longer? Hold the Red Meat
Discovery News
The results also showed that substituting other healthy protein sources, such as fish, poultry, nuts or legumes, was associated with a lower risk of death over the study period. The results held even after the researchers took into account factors that ...
Study citing mortality risk doesn't faze meat lovers
Kansas City Star
A new study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that eating red meat appears to significantly increase the risk of premature death. Will this news affect your eating habits? Participate in our poll and leave your comments below. Yes.
Kansas City Star
To beef or not to beef, that is the question...
The study did not account for consumption of other less than healthy aspects of the Standard American Diet, including sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial preservatives, and chemical artificial sweeteners with known health risks.
Study: Eating Red Meat Increases Death Risk
Voice of America
The study tracked 120000 Americans for up to 28 years, using data from two huge, ongoing studies of nurses and other health professionals. Their health is monitored and correlated with their living habits - including their diet.
Soda And Your Health: How Bad Is It Really?
Huffington Post
It seems like a new study linking soda consumption to poor health makes headlines each week. And whether you're choosing the full-sugar or diet variety, the data shows that you may be putting yourself at a heightened risk for everything from heart ...
Premier Natural Health Inc. Welcomes Dr. Carolyn Dean, MD ND as Chief Medical ...
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Dr. Dean will assist in the ongoing development of Premier's natural health and nutrition products, including the company's bestseller, WHEY TOO GOOD, a whey protein food product designed for consumers looking to lose weight and maintain long term ...
The dangers of red meat
14% were likely to develop heart disease or cancer. those numbers go up if you add bacon or hot dogs into the equation or into your diet. okay. three ounce. that's the size of a deck of cards. >> they take a group of people. in this case it's 84000 ...
Veganism: A plant-based lifestyle has health and other benefits, but the ...
Plain Dealer
By Joe Crea, The Plain Dealer "A person can absolutely thrive on a well-structured vegan diet. But again, that's someone who has done all their research -- not just read a couple of things on the Internet. There's plenty that can go wrong, ...
Plain Dealer
Red meat can be 'lethal' - Report
The Nation Newspaper
Sky News says data from 121342 men and women taking part in two large US health and lifestyleinvestigations were analyzed to produce the findings, published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine . The studies monitored the progress of their ...
Red meat death study: The truth is you needn't give up that juicy steak after all
Daily Mail
By David Derbyshire Don't choke on your bacon buttie, but in the medical profession's relentless quest to find ever more things that may kill us, health officials are turning up the heat on red meat — again. A major new study of 120000 people has ...
Daily Mail
Diet high in fat, linked to sperm low in count
If your diet is unhealthy, chances are you're going to have unhealthy sperm too. A new study says adiet high in saturated fat is linked with a reduced sperm count. A US fertility clinic found those eating junk food diets had poorer sperm quality.
Low-Carb, Low-Fat Diets May Each Help the Heart
U.S. News & World Report
WEDNESDAY, March 14 (HealthDay News) -- Using either a low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet to shed belly fat can improve blood vessel function, researchers say. The study included 60 women and men who weighed 215 pounds on average and were assigned to ...
Sunwarrior Promotes a Plant-Based Diet that Lowers Risk of Death
Albany Times Union
“This new study provides further compelling evidence that high amounts of red meat may boost the risk of premature death,” says study author An Pan of the Harvard School of Public Health. Pan and colleagues analyzed diet, health, and mortality data on ...
Diet FAQs for Georgians
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Georgia's registered dietitians have the answers if you call in during their annual Diet 411 Nutrition Hotline event Tuesday between 6 and 9 pm They're already predicting a lot of questions will be about diabetes. One of the organizers, Cheryl Orlansky ...
Singing the blues about red meat
Los Angeles Times
Not that red meat should get a pass: Overconsumption has been tied, over and over again, to poorhealth outcomes. And the fact that your grandfather ate 12 ounces every day until his 102nd birthday is no argument against the study; lots of people who ...
Lose belly fat for better blood circulation
Times of India
Shedding pounds, especially belly fat, can help overweight people improve the function of their blood vessels no matter whether they are on a low-carb or a low-fat diet, according to a new study. In the six-month weight-loss study, Johns Hopkins ...
Fatty Foods Might Harm Men's Sperm, Research Suggests
U.S. News & World Report
"It is one more good piece of evidence reminding us that simple health interventions like diet and exercise can be beneficial with regard to improving sperm counts and having a child," added Alukal, who was not involved in the new study.
Fatty Foods Bad For Sperm
NPR (blog)
Scientists have only recently started looking at how lifestyle factors like diet and exercise affect men's fertility. Known risks including smoking, heavy use of alcohol and recreational drugs, and heat on the testicles. This study doesn't say if the ...
Does diet affect sperm quality?
'The magnitude of the association is quite dramatic and provides further support for the health efforts to limit consumption of saturated fat given their relation with other health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease,' says Harvard Professor Jill ...
Diet traps: Don't let vacation over-indulgence derail you
The Province
The longer I'm involved in the fitness industry, the more attentive I am to the health and wellbeing of my family, and the greater the emphasis I place on nutrition as a cornerstone of health. Research continues to prove that regular exercise is an ...
Four fascinating facts about fat you didn't know
Kansas City Star
By LIZ VACCARIELLO Weight loss is always on the minds of millions of Americans, especially as we emerge from the dark, cold winter and approach another dreaded swimsuit season. According to a recent national poll from Reader's Digest and Yahoo! Health ...
Cavemen: Did they have it right when it comes to eating?
The Paleo diet has been of interest to my athletes lately. The general idea of the Paleo diet is eating what the first humans ate: Wild plants and animals. The Paleo diet is like stepping back in time before processed foods and the cultivation of ...
New diet pill Qnexa seeks FDA approval
Daily Illini
To avoid this, numerous tests must be done, which explains why Qnexa, a recent weight loss drug, is still under speculation and awaiting approval. “Qnexa is very similar to any other diet pill on the market in that it boosts (a person's) metabolism ...
Too much fat in men's diet could lower chances of fertility: Study
Vancouver Sun
"At a global level, adopting these lifestyle modifications may improve general health, as high-saturated fat diets are known to be a risk factor for a range of cardiovascular diseases; but, in addition, our research suggests that it could be beneficial ...
Heavy Red Meat Diets Put You At Risk For Cancer & Heart Disease
Thus, based on the findings, a daily heavy red meat diet increases your chances to actually die from such a terrible health condition by 12 percent. Harvard researchers spent 28 years looking at the diets 37700 men and 83600 women had.
Red meat diet 'raises risk of early death'
This is North Devon
The findings were drawn from two large US health and lifestyle investigations which studied data from 121342 men and women. The studies monitored the progress of their participants for more than 20 years and gathered information about diet.
Happy Birthday, Health Blog!
Wall Street Journal (blog)
Today, the Health Blog turns five years old. We've covered a lot of ground over the years, from the federal health-care overhaul to Paula Deen's diabetes, and the blog has drawn from a wide cast of characters within the Journal's and Dow Jones's ranks.
Developing A Healthy Diet For The Rest Of Your Life | Beck Institute ...
By Cognitive Behavior Therapy News | Beck Institute Blog
Dr. Judith Beck introduces her book, The Beck Diet Solution, at a workshop for coaches and dieters. She explains the importance of developing an eating plan that can be sustained for life, and which includes favorite foods. To attend a Beck ...
Beck Institute Blog
Weight Loss Cravings: How To Stop Unhealthy Food Cravings From ...
By Celynn Erasmus
The moment you have made the commitment to join the cause against obesity and being overweight, to lead a healthier life by starting on eating healthy, this monster of food cravings will be tailing you every hour of every day. The nagging cravings might be difficult to repress especially that it will make its presence felt every waking hour of your life while you're on a diet. ... The effect is you not only lose weight but watch the pounds go down without putting your health in danger. With a ...
The Wise Directory
Paleo Diet and Health Checks - 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss ...
Hello everyone, I realized that a lot of my trigger foods are the "forbidden foods" from the Paleo Diet, so I'm on the Paleo diet (newbie?)
Tips for Eating Well on an Elimination Diet? Health Questions | The ...
Q: At the suggestion of my doctor, I'm trying a 2-month food elimination diet to see if there are any unknown food intolerances that may be the cause of my ...
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