ABC News
This month, Reader's Digest unveils the secrets to weight loss, as outlined in the new book, "The Digest Diet," a new, healthy-living plan that lists foods, exercises, and lifestyle tips that help you release fat fast. 1. You have to eat fat to beat ...
ABC News
Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts Participates in Wellness Week with SpaFinder
Yahoo! Contributors Network
Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts, an adult fitness and weight loss resort, is participating in Wellness Week- an event sponsored by During the week of March 19-25 2012, Shane Diet & Fitness Resorts will be offering two special wellness ...
Original SoupMan & 'nPLAY Foundation Team up to Make a Difference in Schools ...
MarketWatch (press release)
'nPLAY has an official partnership with the USDA-Food Nutrition Services to work with schools on their health and wellness so they can meet the criteria of the HUSSC. The announcement leads the way for Original SoupMan's healthy school initiative and ...
Only 1 in 50 Americans meet heart-health goals; do you?
The seven factors include: not smoking, being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight, following a healthful diet, and having normal blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels, according to a study published last week in the Journal of ...
Creative Bioscience All-Natural Dietary Supplements Now Available at Sprouts ...
MarketWatch (press release)
Rapidly becoming one of the largest natural food chains in the country, Sprouts has moved quickly to add Creative Bioscience's proven weight loss formulas to store shelves at its locations throughout Texas, Arizona, California and Colorado.
Add fish oil to your diet to boost cardiovascular health
By DOC TALK Few areas in medicine are studied more than cardiovascular health. And among dietary supplements studied, only one has been recommended by the American Heart Association in the treatment of issues related to cardiovascularhealth.
CDA Recommends Eating Right for Good Oral Health
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
(PRWEB) March 19, 2012 As part of March's National Nutrition Month, and in an effort to increase oral health awareness, the California Dental Association is highlighting the importance of a nutritious diet to help keep teeth and gums healthy.
Diet Detective: Spring recipes: Pineapple, artichoke
Reno Gazette Journal
Health Perks: Pineapples are loaded with manganese. They are also high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that counteracts damage to cells from smoking and pollution and helps protect against cancer. In addition, pineapples are a good source of much-needed ...
Antioxidants may not help people with Alzheimer's
Fox News
Some reports have suggested that older adults who eat a diet rich in antioxidants may have a lower risk of getting Alzheimer's disease, researchers explained. But the supplements haven't consistently been beneficial under more rigorous trials, ...
'We've ditched the diet for good!': Fitness DVD queens Coleen Nolan, Nadia ...
Daily Mail
By Maysa Rawi Over the years, they have all brought out their own weight lossDVDs as they struggled with their food demons. But now former slimming queens Coleen Nolan, Nadia Sawalha, Claire Richards and Tricia Penrose have ditched the diets for good.
Daily Mail
Need to lose weight? Choose an app for that
New York Daily News
If you're having trouble sticking to a diet, consider investing in an app or electronic device that provides daily feedback and gentle reminders. According to a new study announced at an American Heart Association conference in California last week, ...
New York Daily News
Exclusive: 'Dolce Diet' Founder Mike Dolce on Healthy Weight-Cutting, Roy ...
By Jonathan Shrager Though he first landed on our radars as a competitor on TUF 7, fighter/trainer Mike Dolce has become much more famous for The Dolce Diet — the health and nutrition system he employs to help MMA stars hit their weight limits while ...
Diet Pill Resurrected
Yes, I am certainly not going to say the "P" word am I? Approved by the FDA, Qnexa includes phentermine with other ingredients for weight loss. You might remember phentermine with the side effects of it on the heart alone. The statistics can still be ...
Risks: Sugary Drinks Linked to Heart Disease
New York Times
Researchers analyzed data from a prospective study of 42883 male health professionals, ages 40 to 75. The men responded to diet questionnaires every four years, and more than 18000 of them provided blood samples. Over 22 years, 3683 of the men had ...
Pepsi Next: The Last Thing America Needs
Huffington Post (blog)
Hybrid sodas (which are neither regular or "diet") are not a new concept. This is PepsiCo's third attempt at a "mid-calorie beverage." 1995′s Pepsi XL -- with 50 percent less sugar and 50 percent fewer calories than regular Pepsi -- cost $1.5 million ...
Should blood type control your diet?
Local 10
The blood type diet, founded by Dr. James D'Adamo, requires a diet of certain foods and even an exercise regimen based on blood type. It is also referred to as the D'Adamo Diet. Although thediet helps many lose weight, Chia, who has type O blood, ...
10 things you must know about Asian takeout
Fox News
You know a little something about how to order healthy at Asian restaurants. Brown rice trumps white, summer rolls are lower cal than egg rolls, and you should run from General Tso's anything. But with the explosion of Asian fusion, figuring out what ...
Calories Are Everywhere, Yet Hard to Track
New York Times (blog)
Enter two experts: Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition, food studies and publichealth at New York University; and Malden Nesheim, professor emeritus of nutritional sciences at Cornell University. Together they have written a new book, ...
New York Times (blog)
Prevention: Doctor's Weight Affects Obesity Diagnoses
New York Times
Overweight doctors may be less likely than other physicians to discuss diet and exercise with patients, and less likely to make a diagnosis of obesity. Researchers surveyed a random sample of 498 general practitioners and internists, more than half of ...
A simple craving or food addiction?
Times of India
It doesn't matter if you're pregnant, a health freak, figure-conscious, or a bodybuilding maniac, every one is hypnotized into craving spicy samosas, salty chips, oily bhajias or chocolates. On this debatable topic, psychologists say, our craving for ...
Care for Your Heart to Live Longer
Efforts such as following a healthy diet, quitting smoking and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels can all contribute to longevity. Individuals who meet more of the seven recommended cardiovascular health factors tend to live longer, ...
Diet teaches to eat more, weigh less
Local 10
You can start by making a few simple changes to your diet. The concept of eating more to weigh less has been popular since the publication of "Eat More, Weigh Less: Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Losing Weight Safely While Eating Abundantly.
From Master Cleanse to NUIU: Celebs share diet plans
Television host Kris Aquino and actress-politician Lucy Torres-Gomez shared some of the dietplans they have tried on Tuesday's episode of “Kris TV.” They also discussed diet programs followed by their fellow celebrities such as stylist Liz Uy and ...
3 Reasons Why You Should Kick a Diet-Soda Habit
Last week's controversial report linking soda consumption to cancer is more evidence indicating that the popular fizzy drink may not be the best choice for a healthy lifestyle. Even if you go the healthier route by choosing sugar-free diet soda, ...
White Rice Consumption Linked to Type 2 Diabetes
March 19, 2012 — A meta-analysis and systematic review of summary data from studies on dietand type 2 diabetes risk has turned up a possible association between white rice consumption and diabetes, but limitations in the analysis preclude actionable ...
Another Weight Loss Product Uncovered on a Site
Empowered News (press release)
Jonathan Taylor has introduced a new way to lose weight on his website. The weight lossproduct this time is in the form of Irvingia Gabonensis or commonly known as the African mango, which had become popular in the United States.
Lauren Baker of Lawrenceville loses 64 pounds
Atlanta Journal Constitution
I then try to have cardio sessions at the gym, on my own, three times a week.” Biggest challenge: “My biggest challenge is staying motivated,” she said. “Staying fit and healthy is not just a one-time diet. It's a new lifestyle to follow and enjoy.
Add coconut magic to your diet
On Sunday, when fitness instructors Raj Ganpath and Arvind Ashok took to the stage to thrash seed and vegetable oils as problems of the Indian diet, little did one expect that Coconut oil would be hailed as the best bet. “Seed and vegetable oils are ...
Cynthia Sass, Nutritionist and Bestselling Author, Returns With the 'SASS ...
PR Web (press release)
Flat Belly Diet co-author Cynthia Sass delivers a tried-and-tested weight-loss program that helps dieters end overeating and still feel full and satisfied—while enjoying the best, tastiest food combinations that burn fat and boost metabolism.
PR Web (press release)
Three-Day Diet Recovery
Canadian National Newspaper
( Many of us have felt this way before--Ugh! I blew my diet. Now what? Before you decide to bury your troubles in a plate of cookies and resort to a lifetime of drawstring pants, use our simple 3-day action plan to undo the calorie ...
Canadian National Newspaper
Women have tried 61 diets by age of 45
New Zealand Herald
In a poll of 2000 British men and women, more than three-quarters had embarked on a diet in the past year. Photo / ThinkStock Whether it's salad, cabbage soup or low carbohydrates, women have tried every slimming trick in the book.
5 Habits That Lead to Diet Success
Diets In Review (blog)
You try to eat healthy and lose weight but inevitably, end up falling short. Frustrated as to why? A recent article from CNN hopes to dig up some answers by examining the 5 habits of highly successful dieters. In addition to the scientific evidence ...
Call 1-855-DIET-411 tonight for nutritional advice
By Ryan Houston - bio | email March is a great month to get healthy. It's actually national nutrition month. The Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is hosting a call in line tonight to celebrate. 10 or more dieticians will be answering your ...
High Calcium - Low Magnesium Consumption Poses Health Risk, Says Dr. Carolyn Dean
MarketWatch (press release)
In the United Kingdom, the RDA is 700 mg daily, while the World Health Organization recommends only 400-500 mg. Often supplementation is taken without consideration for the amount of calcium in the diet both from food sources and from water.
Subsequent research can change medical advice that was based on initial studies
Washington Post
Major health organizations that focus on cancer, diabetes and heart disease advise people to avoid supplements in favor of a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Feed a cold, starve a fever? Or is it starve a cold, feed a fever?
Everyday chemicals linked to obesity crisis: report
However independent experts said the research was inconclusive and said leading a healthy lifestyle by eating sensibly and exercising was the best way to reduce the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Dr Iain Frame, Director of Research at Diabetes UK ...
A diet that can fight cancer?
These include an emphasis on beans, legumes and healthy oils. Also trying to avoid red and processed meats. Even the most balanced diets can't counter the terrible side effects that cancer treatments cause. These include taste changes, severe nausea, ...
Diet Tips For Women | Weight Loss Dieting Plans & Workout For ...
Dieting plans and workout guidelines for the women to lose weight. Diet tips, physical exercises and eating habits for females to gain control over their health ...
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