Albany Times Union
In his newest blog post Kinesiologist/Fitness Trainer Alex Allan explains that without understanding the unique brain chemistry and tendencies of what he defines as the "HSR" dieter, sustained weight loss will be nothing but a pipe dream for millions ...
A Healthy Diet of All Things Orange
Tucson Citizen
As the book told me, “This chakra often offers us the opportunity to lessen our “control issues” and find a balance in our lives…making changes in our life stream through our personal choices…maintaining a healthy yin-yang existence.
FDA raises safety concerns for Vivus diet pill
By MATTHEW PERRONE AP Health Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal health officials say they still have safety concerns about an experimental diet pill from drugmaker Vivus Inc., as the company prepares to make a second attempt to convince experts of the ...
Choosing a heart-healthy diet can be simple and inexpensive
Wisconsin Rapids Tribune
Sometimes simplicity is the key ingredient in a heart-healthy diet. "Most people need to concentrate on the basics," said Jenny Okon, a registered dietitian with Marshfield Clinic. If you have a heart condition or wish to prevent heart disease, ...
Making healthy eating a cultural value: Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 plan to fuel ...
CultureMap Houston
When his station's diet of pizza, burgers and fried chicken wings was replaced with a colorful rainbow of plant-strong foods, whole grains, beans and legumes, many of his close colleagues morphed from medical time bombs to health superheroes.
Doctors draw Santa Rosa crowd with diet debate
Santa Rosa Press Democrat
McDougall promotes a starch-based diet with heavy use of vegetables with some fruits. He runs the McDougall Program, a 10-day, residential weight-loss and lifestyle-change program in Santa Rosa. He sponsored the “advanced study weekend” for those ...
Motivation keeps healthy results coming for Chambersburg man
Chambersburg Public Opinion
Since starting an exercise and diet regimen in October, he has shed more than 35 pounds and many inches and doesn't plan on stopping anytime soon. However, Maroukin faces another challenge besides maintaining his new, healthy lifestyle.
Research links diet soda to heart attack, stroke risk
Diet soda may be good for the waistline, but a new study suggests people who drink it every day have a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. Researchers at the University of Miami followed almost 2600 adults for a decade and found those who drank ...
Think About Your Drink to Lose Weight
One group had been told to exchange their regular high-calorie beverages for diet drinks. Another group was told to replace their drinks with water. The third group received information about healthychoices that could help weight loss but received no ...
Health diet topics: Which foods are rich in vitamin C?
Newsolio (blog)
Vitamin C is an important nutrient for good health. Find out what foods are rich in vitamin C and how to incorporate more vitamin C into your diet. Humans and primates (like chimpanzees, orangutans, etc.) cannot make their own vitamin C. Vitamin C, ...
Newsolio (blog)
Less salt please
Malaysia Star
SALT, or sodium chloride, is the main source of sodium in our diet. Sodium is an essential mineral that is required in minute amounts daily. However, excessive intake can increase risk of various adverse health effects. Excessive dietary salt has been ...
Malaysia Star
Top 10 foods to limit in your diet
Times of India
An added advantage would be to use healthy ingredients, processing methods and preparations. Today, in a quest to enlighten you, Bangalore-based, Registered Dietitian and Wellness Consultant, Sheela Krishnaswamy tells us which top 10 foods we must ...
Faulty fat sensor implicated in obesity and liver disease
Science Codex
Defects in a protein that functions as a dietary fat sensor may be a cause of obesity and liver disease, according to a study published in the journal Nature, led by researchers at Imperial College London. The findings highlight a promising target for ...
Gene Might Boost Risk for Obesity
U.S. News & World Report
19 (HealthDay News) -- A new animal study suggests that a genetic mutation could put certain people at higher risk for becoming obese if they eat high-fat diets. At the moment, the practical uses of the research seem to be limited, but physicians could ...
Research links drinking diet soda to risk of heart attack and stroke
680 News
Researchers found a correlation between the consumption of diet soda and increased rates of heart attack and stroke. Diet soda may be beneficial to the waistline, but a new study suggests that people who drink it every day have a heightened risk of ...
Healthy Living: Bariatric surgery part two
Rochester YNN
At any given time, nearly 50 percent of people are on a diet, trying to lose weight, and they're not usually successful. Marcie Fraser reports on bariatric surgery, and tells us if it's good, bad, and who it's for. Then come back here and refresh the ...
Load up on 'superfoods'
"Eating a healthy diet, being physically active and maintaining a healthy body weight is proven to reduce the risk of cancer. However, there's still no clear cause of cancer till today. "There's no need to be extreme in everything.
Shed 5% of Your Body Weight Switching to Diet Drinks
AJCN, claims, “that the simple substitution by those trying to lose weight will see them shift a minimum of 5lb” and the weight lose can be seen in as little as six months after making the switch from sugar-laden drinks to the sugar-free diet ...
Heart health: Doctors say patients must play active role
The Tribune-Democrat
No smoking, lose weight, exercise, control some of the health problems. Now you have a lot of medications to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.” Azer, who was recognized Saturday night during Cambria-Somerset Heart Ball, brought many of the ...
3 women take up the Go Red BetterU Challenge to improve their heart health
Indianapolis Star
>>Factors contributing to heart disease are genetics, high blood pressure and cholesterol, andlifestyle factors such as smoking, unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. >>Heart disease is the leading cause of death for American women, killing nearly ...
Health factors put us at risk
Indianapolis Star
The American Heart Association says ideal cardiovascular health is based on seven health factors: smoking status, weight, physical activity, healthy diet, cholesterol, blood pressure and fasting glucose levels, as well as the lack of heart or blood ...
Not winning (or losing yet) in diet volleyball
Arizona Republic
Every year in January, I decide that it is the perfect time to start another diet, and I start out eating salads for lunch, snacking on light popcorn, and roasting chicken and vegetables for dinner. Then it happens, as it does every year, ...
Self-esteem critical to weight loss
Poughkeepsie Journal
Contrary to what some may think, healthy self-esteem does not mean being conceited about your abilities, nor is trying to be perfect all the time a surefire self-esteem booster. Make no mistake, healthy self-esteem is not a cure-all for life's ...
Models on diet with extracts of urine from pregnant women
Irish Independent
By NIAMH HORAN A CONTROVERSIAL diet that uses the female pregnancy hormone HCG has become the diet du jour among Dublin socialites, including some of Ireland's top models. The hormone is normally produced during pregnancy, but women aren't using it in ...
Big chefs: Food workers have extra temptations in struggle for healthy weight
The Food Network might have catapulted chefs to Hollywood A-list status, but stripped of its glamorous veneer, the life of an executive chef can be detrimental to health and quality of life. Paula Deen underscored this predicament recently when she ...
Top 10 ways to build muscles in men
Times of India
Ask any fitness trainer why most workout novices burnout quickly, and he or she will answer that the biggest mistake those newly bitten by the fitness bug make is to try to imitate top bodybuilders. Most novices forget that bodybuilders perform extreme ...
Do You Have a Faulty Fat Sensor?
Fatty acids are a necessity to maintaining good health. However, how the body monitors and manages these fatty acids makes all the difference in the world when it comes to whether you are obese or lean. In the gut are fatty acid receptors that act as...
HEART SMART: Pepper's so stuffed you won't miss the meat
Detroit Free Press
Even the latest Dietary Guidelines urge Americans to eat a diet consisting mostly of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Plant-based diets offer many health advantages. Vegetarians tend to have a lower incidence of obesity, cardiovascular disease, ...
For healthy meals, a chicken comes first
Charleston Gazette
As part of "The Shape We're In," the Sunday Gazette-Mail's series exploring the chronic but preventable health problems of many West Virginians, we introduce a feature on healthy cooking on a budget. Charleston cooking instructor and chef April ...
The secret to long life? Starve yourself on alternate days to boost brain ...
Daily Mail
By Pamela Owen A group of Americans have said that fasting on and off can boost brain power and help to lose weight at the same time. The National Institutes for Aging said their research was based on giving animals the bare minimum of calories ...
Daily Mail
Longevity takes more that diet and exercise
Poughkeepsie Journal
Inspired by first lady Michelle Obama's organization, “Let's Move!,” which was created to fight childhood obesity, you also can get your child moving onto a healthy path with some of these tips. » Walk or ride bicycles vs. taking the car on short trips ...
After her recovery from heart failure, Loeffler says, she made lifestyle ...
Kearney Hub
Knowing the emotional stress her family experienced while Loeffler was on life support, she works to prevent future heart problems by eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and reducing her stress levels. In early February 2007, Loeffler was ill ...
Yuma's produce industry provides healthy options
Yuma Sun
For more information, call 376-0100. A diet rich in a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables helps you stay healthy and helps reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. With the strong movement under way to a more healthy palate (and plate!) ...
Healthy choices, profits
Albany Times Union
By Tim O'Brien Hannaford Supermarkets Nutrition Coordinator Marianne Romano looks through a frozen vegetable case at the Wolf Road store, as local supermarkets try to encourage healthy eating, on Monday Feb. 14, 2012 in Colonie, NY.
First Weigh In! - 3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community ...
By palmettostar
Today was my first weigh in since my initial weigh in @ my joining meeting on February 6th...I was down.................... 7lbs!! I was so happy and.
3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight...
The $100 Diet: Healthy Grocery List For Amazing Results! | Its HIP to ...
Lose fat, gain muscle, and get your diet in line - all for just a c-note a week. Hit your goals AND your budget! Break a sweat, don't break the bank.
Healthy diet, lifestyle &
S7-2012 Weekly summary about Fitness and healthy diet & lifestyle · Seated alternating front raises dumbbells · Isometric hip raises with back on step and feet ...
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diet weight loss, come in several morocco, this sets the most personal and financial city of the policy prosecuted. diet weight loss, most 99 ranch markets are ...
Mediterranean Diet healthy heart Articles - Page 1 -
There are many diets out there you can choose from, but for many the Mediterranean diet will be one of the best choices. This is a very healthy diet that can help ...
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