Evansville Courier & Press
By Betsy Neahring Like many parents, I am better at taking care of my child's health than my own. While I am meticulous about making sure that Daniel has his yearly checkups and required immunizations, I usually have to be dragged kicking and screaming ...
Raw food diet followers claim range of health benefits; challenge is planning
Brandon Sun
Vasile, whose cut-off is 40.6 C (105 F), started her transition to raw food gradually, initially attracted by a desire to lose weight. As she increased her intake of raw food, she says, she noticed other changes besides the weight loss, including more ...
Mediterranean Diet Might Be Healthier for Brain
U.S. News & World Report
13 (HealthDay News) -- Eating a Mediterranean-style diet appears to reduce damage to small blood vessels in the brain, a new study says. Researchers tracked the brain health of almost a thousand people who completed a questionnaire that scored how ...
No single diet will work for all diabetics
So what's the best diet for people with diabetes? There is no one diet, whether it's a Mediterranean, low-carb or low-fat diet, that is consistently better at helping people manage diabetes, says Stephanie Dunbar, director of nutrition and medical ...
A recipe for fixing harmful South Asian diets
Houston Chronicle
By Zain Shauk The Palo Alto Medical Foundation includes information on healthy ingredients and reading nutritional labels on its South Asian Web page at www.pamf.org/southasian/. Lurking amid the warm aromas of cumin and cardamom on a plate of South ...
STUDY: Switching to water, diet beverages can tip the scales
WWAY NewsChannel 3
The study, published online and scheduled to appear in the March 2012 print issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, compared weight loss for 318 overweight or obese people, who were divided into three groups: those who switched from ...
Ask the Diet Doctor: Is Fruit Really a "Free" Diet Food?
Shape Magazine
By Mike Roussell, PhD Q: Can I really eat as much fresh fruit as I want and still lose weight? A: Unfortunately, no. Fresh fruit is a healthy choice and loaded with vitamins and antioxidants; however fruit still contains calories and carbohydrates.
Health coaches do more than draw diet plans
Casper Star-Tribune Online
Health coaches must first learn what's important in their clients' lives. Then they can draw upon those motivations to encourage healthy habits, explained Jennifer Sesley, a clinical dietitian andhealth coach for Project SPUR. A client with diabetes, ...
Healthy Eating Index and Mortality in a Nationally Representative Elderly Cohort
Archives of Internal Medicine
The Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a tool developed by the US Department of Agriculture's Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in 1995 for evaluating diet quality and monitoring changes in dietarypractices in the US population.
Diet and Lifestyle Changes Can Help Treat High Blood Pressure
About one third of Americans have high blood pressure, but some basic changes to diet andlifestyle can help treat the condition. When the doctor told Jane Grabowski she had high blood pressure, she was convinced he had made the wrong diagnosis.
Adopt a heart healthy diet
Times of India
When eating for your heart health, it's important to focus on foods you like and will eat regularly. These heart-healthy foods should be part of your total diet and not in addition to what you're already eating. Also do not eat them in huge amounts ...
Atkins Diet Plan Ideal for Those with Fat Preference Gene
MarketWatch (press release)
The results may help explain why some people struggle when placed on a low-fat diet and may one day assist people in selecting diets that are the best fit for them to follow. Atkins(TM), the original and leading low-carb weight-loss plan based on an ...
Sugar Free Diet For Safe Slimming!
It is not easy to chuck sugar from diet as it is nearly impossible to separate it from food. Also, some amount of sugar is necessary for the body. Sugar provides energy and keeps mind active. But as we age it is important to know the ideal sugar ...
Day 13 of 29 Blogs: 'Shrooms for the Heart
Huffington Post (blog)
To help save us from a diet of confusion, US News Health recently released its 2012 report on "The Best Diets for Healthy Eating." A panel of 22 nutrition and diet experts assessed the safety and nutritional completeness of 25 popular diets.
Bad Behaviors Exposed:Exclusive Survey from FITNESS Magazine & Yahoo! Shine ...
MarketWatch (press release)
The results appear in the March 2012 issue of FITNESS, on stands February 14th, 2012, and online at Yahoo! Shine, the leading site for women's lifestyle content and Fitness Online. Highlights from the findings are below. Bad Behavior in the Workplace ...
Winning the diet: How food porn helped me stay on track in spite of plan killers
CultureMap Houston
That was my quest. As I had just embarked on the 28-day Whole Foods Health Starts Here Challenge before leaving, I was faced with many plant-strong diet killer obstacles and food black holes. Who goes on a health kick right before vacay?
CultureMap Houston
Teenager with liver disease saved by eating large amounts of junk food
Fox News
In order to prolong her life, doctors placed Elle on a high-carbohydrate diet, which included foods such as chocolate, cookies, bread and cheese – but even the doctors were shocked when her condition rapidly improved, and they were able to eventually ...
Nutrition topics: How to identify a healthy weight loss diet?
Newsolio (blog)
Discover how you can identify a healthy weight loss diet without too much effort. Lose pounds naturally and safely without nutritional loss. Identifying a healthy weight loss diet can be both challenging and overwhelming.
Newsolio (blog)
Mindful Eating is a Key to Healthy Weight Loss
Daily Glow
The New York Times quoted Dr. Jan Chozen Bays, author of Mindful Eating: A Guide to Rediscovering a Healthy and Joyful Relationship with Food, as saying, "This is anti-diet. I think the fundamental problem is that we go unconscious when we eat.
REGION: Pitfalls on path to fitness
Whether a person is in their second month of a New Year's resolution to lose 20 pounds or is facing serious health risks from an unhealthy lifestyle, the changes necessary to maintain weight loss are the same. But no one says it's going to be easy.
Diabetes accounts for 9 out of 10 admitted in Marshalls hospital
Radio Australia
It targets middle and high school students and teaches them diet, fitness and lifestyle skills to help ward off the disease. REVERCOMB: Well the statistics for young people are still coming in, but the fact that we're seeing it at all is certainly of ...
8 Diet-Friendly Desserts to Bake for Your Valentine
Shape Magazine
But no matter how indulgent these sweet treats sound, they go easy on your waistline, thanks to secret healthy ingredients. Shh… your sweetheart never needs to know! No Valentine's Day is complete without some chocolate! Indulge your sweetheart with ...
Nutrition Study: Matthew Vettese Says Afternoon Stress Eating is Dietary ...
PR Web (press release)
A new report from CNN confirms that stress-induced “binge eating” during the afternoon or early evening is a major cause of dietary problems and significant weight gain, but nutritionist Matthew Vettese offers ways for avoiding carbohydrate overload.
Myth Buster Diet and Exercise
In this Monday Myth Buster, we are joined by Ally Bowersock, who is the Director of Exercise Science for the Jefferson College of Health Sciences we are focusing on diet and exercise. Karen: Some people think that all I have to do is work out to meet ...
Low vitamin D in womb tied to poor language skills
Insufficient levels of vitamin D during pregnancy have been linked to some healthproblems in children and animal offspring. Our vitamin D levels fluctuate depending on exposure to sunlight and diet. Our vitamin D levels fluctuate depending on exposure ...
Host a Healthy Fiesta
Sparta Expositor
However, many also worry about how healthy these dishes can be. What they don't realize is if recipes are prepared with fresh items and cooked with corn oil, they can actually be adding benefits to their diet. According to USDA data, corn oil, ...
Memorial Offers Health Briefs For March
The Chattanoogan
March 2 Diabetes: Diabetes Basics and Diet Class. This program provides an overview of diabetes and treatment/prevention of complications, diabetes meal planning and carbohydrate counting. Memorial's Diabetes and Nutrition Center can help you obtain a ...
Overeating Linked to Memory Loss, Mental Decline
By Amanda Gardner MONDAY, February 13, 2012 (Health.com) — Older people who consume adiet very high in calories may be increasing their risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the memory loss and mental-function problems that sometimes precede ...
Your health: The need to trim calories
Chicago Daily Herald
After two years, average weight loss was the same in all groups. An earlier study in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggested that it's whether you stick with whatever diet you choose that makes the difference. Note that diets that are ...
DASH to Better Health
The DASH diet, combined with exercise, has been proven to lower high blood pressure and help withweight loss. The DASH diet action plan is a user-friendly book that details the diet and shows how to incorporate it into a total lifestyle plan.
Is my diet healthy?! Please help me!? - Yahoo! Answers
I'm almost 16, im a girl & i'm 200 pounds. (about) i have alot of muscle because ... Breakfast (I tweaked your oatmeal and gave you more options variety is very ...
diet fitness | King Duvets
Regardless of whether or not your diet is prescribed or otherwise; your food intake is important to your health. Try to stay away from foods containing sugar and ...
Snack Aisle Foods to Support Your Diet E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork explains why the snack ...
Preserve Brain Memory: Diet, Lifestyle & Supplementation - Video ...
http://www.meschinohealth.com/LP/Memory_Loss_and_Alzheimers_Disease- Natural_Prevention/ Can you preserve brain memory with diet, lifestyle and ...
Amazon.com: Juicer (Easy Fruit & Vegetable Diet Weight Loss ...
Juicer 101 - 67 Easy Fruit & Vegetable Juicing Recipes is exactly what it says. 67 very easy juicer recipes. Fat Sick & Nearly Dead is taking the country by storm!
Weight Loss Diet | Lose Weight » Blog Archive » In This Post We Are ...
Weight loss diet, tips and much more… ... When it comes to weight loss I am sure you already understand that there are actually hundreds of different programs ...
diet fitness
Posts Tagged With: diet fitness. Facts About Exercise – Hidden Secrets Revealed . February 11th, 2012 at 2:37 pm » Comments (0). Exercise is one of the most ...
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