Foods to cut out of your winter diet, and what to replace them with
ABC2 News
The Huffington Post spoke to the owner of a fitness center in New Jersey named Kevin Haag, who had some tips for keeping the weight off in the winter, without having to brave the cold weather. Haag says simply switching out some of the foods people ...

ABC2 News
ABC2 News
The Huffington Post spoke to the owner of a fitness center in New Jersey named Kevin Haag, who had some tips for keeping the weight off in the winter, without having to brave the cold weather. Haag says simply switching out some of the foods people ...
ABC2 News
Meanwhile, we continue to live a healthy, active lifestyle here in the Mile High City. What is the pitfall of this latest study? It doesn't take nutritional value into account. While it may be true that alldiets have equal weight loss potential, ...
Diet And Weight Management Tips: Tracy Anderson
She is the fitness guru of Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna, Shakira and Gisele Bundchen. The trainer is expecting her first bundle of joy with hubby Matt Mogol. 1. You need to begin your day with a hot cup of green tea followed by a healthy...
Education, diet part of center's approach
Bloomington Pantagraph
For people with a BMI of 25 to 35, the center offers nonsurgical weight loss options that focus on a meal plan and weekly education classes or doing the meal plan without classes. "We see a lot of research that shows that when people do a meal ...
Foods that will derail your diet and weight loss
These foods will derail your fitness and weight loss efforts every single time. In addition, I will suggest a healthy substitute for each of these off-limits foods. By simply swapping out the items below you will quickly and effortlessly become ...
Heart healthy foods
Today's THV
She says staples of any heart-healthy diet are beans and legumes. She says, "It's a nice way to get soluble fiber, plant protein, some extra vitamins and minerals, and not have the extra saturated fat and cholesterol." Zumpano says beans and legumes ...
Today's THV
Healthy living on a veggie diet
Elk Grove Citizen
These healthwise, natural food enthusiasts have made the lifestyle changing decision to eliminate certain foods from their diets in order to stay healthy. A new vegetarian and vegan group has formed in Elk Grove to educate people about the benefits of ...
Weight Loss Success: Jaki Sinclaire 'Nudged Out' Unhealthy Choices And Lost ...
Huffington Post
I started my first diet and took my first diet pills around the same time. All my life I ate a lot of fast food, chips, candy, ice cream, soda -- and all in super-sized quantities. My portion sizes were so out of control, I was eating beyond being full ...
Phoenix Diabetes Lifestyle Coach and Endocrinologist Host Free, Informative ...
MarketWatch (press release)
In order to help the pancreas become more efficient, changes to diet, lifestyle and possibly additional medication are needed. According to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million children and adults in the United States -- nearly one in every ...
If you're trying to lose weight, here are some food and diet apps that may ...
BIRMINGHAM/TROY, Mich. (WXYZ) - Many of us make New Year's resolutions to lose weight and get in shape. But if you're having trouble, some people are experiencing great success using food and diet apps on their smart phones. We found a tech-savvy guy ...
What Are Some Tasty, Healthy Alternatives to Soda?
What are the healthy alternatives that can still match my cravings? Cutting soda out of your dailydiet is a great idea, but finding a great replacement makes dropping the habit a lot easier to do. We all know soda isn't good for you for a number of ...
Diet high in processed meat linked to increased diabetes risk in populations ...
(Medical Xpress) -- Diabetes risk is increased in men and women who eat a diet that is high in processed meats, according to a study published online this week in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Processed meats include hot dogs, lunch meat, ...
Heart Health Month
The majority of these risk factors can be controlled with a healthy diet and lifestyle. High blood pressure control: One of the most important things that can be done to prevent cardiovascular conditions and heart attack is to reduce high blood ...
How to Choose a Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program
Diets In Review (blog)
Deciding if a medically supervised weight loss program is an important decision. Many people find that a doctor-supervised plan to lose weight helps them stay accountable for their progress while at the same time is less risky than weight loss surgery.
Gene Related to Fat Preferences in Humans Found
The results help explain why some people struggle when placed on a low-fat dietand may one day assist people in selecting diets that are easier for them to follow. The results also may help food developers create new low-fat foods that taste better.
Ryan Gosling Looks East for Diet, Workout Inspiration
Celebrity Health & Fitness
By Celebrity Health & Fitness, February 3rd, 2012 Ryan Gosling takes the cake when it comes to exotic workouts and diets. He's a follower of trendy Hollywood trainer Kiu Puk, who advocates a Far Eastern approach to food and exercise.
Celebrity Health & Fitness
New Cookbook From Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. Offers More Healthy and Delicious ...
MarketWatch (press release)
NEW YORK, NY, Feb 02, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) -- A new year means new resolutions, and for many those resolutions will include adopting a healthier lifestyle through diet. Atkins(TM), the original and leading low-carb weight loss plan based on ...
Heart Healthy Recipe Websites
By MC Kelby HERWriter February 3, 2012 - 7:54am Every day, I am looking for exciting new healthyrecipes to cook and prepare for my family. I have surfed through dozens of websites looking for easy-to-prepare healthy meals.
How To Achieve Super Health - Nutrition Expert KC Craichy Will Answer Your ...
PR Web (press release)
As a result of overcoming this health crisis, KC and Monica have helped many people become overcomers in their own health situations. Living Fuel Founder & CEO KC Craichy will share expert insights from his best-selling books, "The Super Health Diet...
PR Web (press release)
Diets That Make You Feel Full
U.S. News & World Report
By Angela Haupt Gnawing hunger can undo even the most determined diet attempt. A ravenous dieter is more likely to break down and binge on whatever is around, no matter how sweet or fatty. Yet some plans and approaches, especially those that severely ...
7 interesting foods that taste like other foods
There's a saying often uttered by people who adhere to a healthy-diet lifestyle. “If your great-grandmother wouldn't recognize it as food, don't eat it.” To those people I say, “My great-grandmother ate dirt in Italy.
Who is the real culprit behind childhood obesity?
Oman Daily Observer
HEALTHY FOODS — By Mini Padikkal — Childhood obesity is a concern in many countries and Oman is no exception. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition that affects children and adolescents. It occurs when a child is well above the normal ...
Oman Daily Observer
New Education About Sugar, Vision and Dry Eye from Sharon Kleyne
PR Web (press release)
Since 2007, on her radio show, she has discussed the adverse effects of sugar with numerous diet, health and vision researchers. The consensus is that sugar consumption is a major contributor to the current worldwide diabetes and obesity epidemics and ...
PR Web (press release)
Researchers say sugar should be controlled to protect public health
In spite of the catastrophically high numbers of cases of obesity, diabetes and other illnesses which are associated with too much sugar in the diet many adults often behave like kids and insist the warnings about sugar are overdone as they jeopardize ...
Doctors on call: Eat fat to lose fat
I am on zero medication and maintain a healthy weight through proper nutrition, exercise andlifestyle factors. To lose weight and to reduce your cholesterol you must eat fat. Yes, fat. The key to this discussion is going to be good fat versus bad fat.
Janice and Adam Bridge in their heavier days. Source: The Australian
The Australian
< Prev of 2 Next > For 15 years, Joseph Proietto has been helping people lose weight. When these obese patients arrive at his weight-loss clinic in Melbourne they are determined to slim down. And most of the time, he says, they do just that.
Vegetarianism can be a good option, but it takes some planning.
The Hullabaloo Online
Having a plant-based diet has many health benefits. Because of their healthy diet, vegetarians are at a lesser risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, some forms of cancer, diabetes, arthritis and various bowel disorders.
To B or Not to B: B Vitamins and Depression (blog)
Depression can be a severely debilitating illness that results in decreased physical health, impaired functioning, lost productivity, and overall negative well-being and quality of life. There are many different treatments for depression including ...
Marta Montenegro: Super Bowl Heart Rx
Fox News
Erin Palinski, RD, CDE, LDN, CPT, nutritionist specialized in cardiovascular health and author of the coming book Belly Fat Diet for Dummies, October 2012, explains, “Sporting events and the emotions involved in watching them can cause an increase in ...
6 Food Combos for Rapid Weight Loss
Hungry moments can overwhelm you if you opt for fasting and crash diets. In order to save yourself from the torture of cravings, use these 6 food combos for rapidweight loss. These recipes are affordable and super-simple in order to ease your task ...
Dr. Oz 2/3/2012: Can You Cheat On Your Diet And Still Lose Weight?
Today Doctor Oz creates a new day of week called Fat-urday where we are allowed to cheat on ourdiet and he says this is a key to successful weight loss. Sticking to a new diet is always hard and the cravings can overcome us at times.
Northeast health department receives $100000 grant
Norwich Bulletin
According to Linda Colangelo, education and communications coordinator for the health department and project manager for the grant, 50 women ages 25 to 60 will be the subjects of a campaign to publicize heart-healthy lifestyles.
Obesity could be infectious
Fox News
In the study, mice engineered to have a particular immune deficiency developed fatty liver disease and got fatter when fed a Western-style diet. But strikingly, when these immune-deficient mice were put in the same cage as healthy mice, the healthy ...
Happy Birthday, Shakira! How the Singer Stays Healthy and Fit (blog)
Besides her obvious talents, we are celebrating Shakira for her dedication to a healthy lifestyle. Keep reading to see what diet and fitness tips we've learned from Shakira throughout the years.
Grand Strand dietitian exposes unhealthy health foods
NORTH MYRTLE BEACH -- If you try to lose weight and eat healthier you may think you're choosing healthy options. However, believe it or not there are a lot unhealthy health foods. A Grand Strand dietitian helps us expose some of the diet foods that ...
OC Firm To Cut Supplies Of 'Lap-Band' Weight Loss Device After Patient Deaths
CBS Local
IRVINE (CBS) — A popular weight loss device seen and heard on advertisements throughout the Southland will no longer be available for sale as regulators investigate the Orange County firm that makes the devices. KNX 1070′s Mike Landa reports for all...

CBS Local
Eating for Weight Loss. How to Diet.
By Joshua Butterfield
Eating for Weight Loss. How to Diet. Write-up bу Janet Negair. Yου mау possibly hаνе considered going οn a diet regime tο shed weight. And a lot more mοѕt lіkеlу thаn nοt, уου hаd bееn tοld thаt уου nесеѕѕаrу tο change whаt уου wеrе ... аnd meat treated wіth artificial hormones аnd "аll-natural flavors," plastic pollutants іn a lot οf ουr food packaging, chemicals іn processed, packaged аnd microwaveable foods, аnd pesticides sprayed straight οn ουr "healthy" fruits аnd veggies .
Vitamin Connection
NORTH MYRTLE BEACH -- If you try to lose weight and eat healthier you may think you're choosing healthy options. However, believe it or not there are a lot unhealthy health foods. A Grand Strand dietitian helps us expose some of the diet foods that ...
OC Firm To Cut Supplies Of 'Lap-Band' Weight Loss Device After Patient Deaths
CBS Local
IRVINE (CBS) — A popular weight loss device seen and heard on advertisements throughout the Southland will no longer be available for sale as regulators investigate the Orange County firm that makes the devices. KNX 1070′s Mike Landa reports for all...
CBS Local
Eating for Weight Loss. How to Diet.
By Joshua Butterfield
Eating for Weight Loss. How to Diet. Write-up bу Janet Negair. Yου mау possibly hаνе considered going οn a diet regime tο shed weight. And a lot more mοѕt lіkеlу thаn nοt, уου hаd bееn tοld thаt уου nесеѕѕаrу tο change whаt уου wеrе ... аnd meat treated wіth artificial hormones аnd "аll-natural flavors," plastic pollutants іn a lot οf ουr food packaging, chemicals іn processed, packaged аnd microwaveable foods, аnd pesticides sprayed straight οn ουr "healthy" fruits аnd veggies .
Vitamin Connection
The PMS Comfort Blog | The Mediterranean Diet—Health Rules To ...
It's reassuring to know that the simple, native way Greek peasants ate as recently as 50 years ago is one of the healthiest and best-proven diets ever studied.—Health-Ru...
Cut back on fiber - How to Eat a Low-Fiber Diet -
Cut back on fiber: It's seems like the opposite of a healthy diet. Who tries to eat less fiber? People with Crohn's disease, that's who. Here are 9 tips for eating a ...,,20564504,00.html
How to use Evernote to track your diet, fitness and other goals ...
It's Health & Fitness Month at Mobile Nations! Evernote for Mobile Fitness When we came up with the idea of a Mobile Nations Fitness Challenge while at CES ...
Vegetarian Diets Weight Loss
pdf Vegetarian Diets Weight Loss Vegetarian diets And Childhood Obesity Prevention Vegetarian diets and childhood obesity prevention 1–4 Joan Sabate´ and ...
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