New York Daily News
By Nicole Lyn Pesce / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Now that the Daily NewsDiet & Fitness Hotline has begun dishing out tricks to cinching your waist, make sure these healthy lifestyle changes stick by setting up a support system. It doesn't take a village, ...
New York Daily News
Why Weight-Loss & Diet Commercials Are Dangerous (blog)
By Margarita Tartakovsky, MS I have a big problem with both women's magazines and health publications because of their shaming and dangerous messages. But I have an even bigger problem with weight-loss and diet commercials — mainly because there's no ... (blog)
Teens' fad diets can lead to putting on weight later
Kansas City Star
Their findings, reported in the latest Journal of Adolescent Health, show that students who tried weight-loss strategies such as skipping meals or taking diet pills in 1999 and 2004 were likely to be heavier in 2009. Girls who tried these tactics ...
Rosemary Conley set to hit the ice this weekend
At 64 she's got a body that could rival most people in their 30s. It must be down to all that healthy eating and exercise! Definitely time to reach for the Rosemary Conley's Diet and Fitness magazine subscription then...
More roughage in diet can help ward off diseases
Zee News
“Increased consumption has also been associated with increased satiety and weight loss,” the team added. The study has been published in the International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health. More roughage in diet can help ward off ...
Zee News
Diet counts: Iron intake in teen years can impact brain in later life
(Medical Xpress) -- Iron is a popular topic in health news. Doctors prescribe it for medical reasons, and it's available over the counter as a dietary supplement. And while it's known that too little iron can result in cognitive problems, ...
Diet in pregnancy
The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) can give us information about the importance of diet in pregnancy. Is health authority advice on diet and supplements being followed? Do we need to give health information in other formats? ...
Diet rich in carbohydrate cuts risk of cancer
Hindustan Times
Such a low-glycemic-load diet, which does not cause blood-glucose levels to spike, also increases a hormone that helps regulate the metabolism of fat and sugar. A new study by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, which involved 80 healthy ...
7 Day flat belly diet plan
Times of India
Food rules Make these changes to your diet to lose weight and get a flat tummy fast! 1 Cut the CRAP: Avoid the four main food groups that cause fat to cling to our bodies: caffeine, refined sugar, alcohol and processed foods. ...
Diabetes drug 'may aid weight loss'
NHS Choices
For most people weight loss is difficult both to achieve and maintain, whether throughdiet or current weight loss medication. The authors' main aim was to assess the effects of GLP-1R agonists on the weight of overweight patients with or without type ...
Excercise Guru Michaels on Healthy Diet Choices
The Associated Press
TV personality Jillian Michaels has tips for getting fit in the New Year. She suggests healthier options like fruit, veggie sticks, dry roasted nuts or an organic yogurt. And if you're craving a chip product to try some Pop Chips instead. (Jan. 11)
Diet trends
Fantastic as the results may be, some plans are unrealistic and offer quick results rather than long lasting weight loss strategys. We've also seen Slim Fast, which is a liquid replacement and healthy dinner diet. Products are still sold in ...
Diet betting websites help losers win
San Jose Mercury News
By Angela Hill By virtue of a significant loss he could collect a healthy $1100 -- the winner-take-all pot for an online diet competition he's playing with 21 friends and family members from around the country. He's currently in the lead in a ...
Frequent red meat eaters at higher risk of stroke
Fox News
A high-protein diet might benefit health in some ways, but depending on what kind of protein a person consumes, it could raise their stroke risk too, suggests a large new study that finds eating lots of red meat ups the likelihood of having a stroke ...
Diet slip-ups we all commit for good health
There are a number of researches which support the positive association of having a proper breakfast with weight loss. Often you try to brown your foods to ensure that it is well cooked but this can be alarming say a team of research scientists. ...
ADHD Symptoms Helped by Healthy Diet
"Supplemental diet therapy is simple, relatively inexpensive, and more acceptable to patient and parent," the authors wrote in the review. "Public education regarding a healthy diet pattern and lifestyle to prevent or control ADHD may have greater ...
Healthy Diet Improves ADHD
WJBD Online
Springfield, IL -- Researchers say a healthy diet can improve the symptoms of children diagnosed with ADHD. Doctor J. Gordon Millichap, of Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago, says it starts with taking a more holistic approach. ...
Beauty Brains: Buy the cheaper anti-aging product
We bring you the liveliest views on the latest news in diet, fitness and wellness from TODAY experts like Dr. Nancy Snyderman and nutritionist Joy Bauer. Let us make ahealthy difference in your life today. Well. Can you get hooked on lip balm? ...
A Healthy Diet May Fight Acne
Healthy Bites appears on MyHealthNewsDaily on Wednesdays. Deborah Herlax Enos is a certified nutritionist and a health coach and weight lossexpert in the Seattle area with more than 20 years of experience. Read more tips on her blog, Health in a ...
Resolved to drop some pounds in 2012? Steps to keep your wallet from getting ...
The Republic
There are a lot of wacky diets out there, some that can do more harm than good. Go to the experts for diet and nutrition advice: The website of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, , offers fact sheets on healthy weight loss, ...
Gastric Bypass Surgery Patient Shocked to Learn Weight Loss Was Due to Diet ...
Diets In Review (blog)
Weight loss happens when the number of calories ingested is less than the number of calories expended. Whether it's through gastric bypass surgery, an increase in exercise, cutting back on the milkshakes, or a sustainable combination of a healthy diet ...
Eat out and still lose weight
Times of India
The focus of the programme was on preventing weight gain in this population, notweight loss. It is important to prevent weight gain in this population as increasing abdominal waist circumference from weight gain is greater during the perimenopausal ...
Feds settle acai diet scam case
Allentown Morning Call
Authorities alleged the companies made unsubstantiated claims about the health benefits of their products, such as AcaiPure being able to cause "major weight loss in short periods of time." "AcaiPure is fast weight loss that works. ...
Why Weight-Loss & Diet Commercials Are Dangerous | Weightless
By Margarita Tartakovsky, MS
I have a big problem with both women's magazines and health publications because of their shaming and dangerous messages. ... Because instead of questioning ourselves — whether we're thin enough, whether we need to go on a diet, whether we need to kick up our workouts for weight loss — we need to question these companies and the manipulative, detrimental messages they send. .... I'm sure they're just as confused as many of us are about what it means to be healthy. ...
Weight Loss Surgery May Prevent Heart-Related Deaths
Weight loss surgery lowers heart attack and stroke risk, and the risk of death from these and other heart-related causes, in people who are obese, according to ...
Doing right by your diet - Health & wellness - The Boston Globe
Q: What's wrong with the American diet? A: Over the last 40-50 years we've changed our diet radically and moved to a diet with lots of processed foods, lots of ...
You Asked: What's the Best Diet/Fitness Program for Weight Loss?
If you find yourself falling for weight-loss infomercials or diet trends, only to fail at your goals again and again, listen up. Here's how to pick the best plan for you.
Diet, fitness regimes top New Year's 'to-do' lists » Features ...
TAHLEQUAH — A new calendar year has begun, and with comes it a litany of diet,weight loss and gym advertisements. “I do not like the word diet,” said Aerofit ...
Best Diet, Weight Loss Apps for iPhone and Android: A Review ...
The best diet and weight loss apps for iPhone and Android; check out a review roundup of popular apps, many which are free, to help you with diet, exercise and ...
Is my diet/lifestyle ok? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers
"Is my diet/lifestyle ok?" - Find the answer to this question and millions more on Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers.
Paleo Pizza | Paleo Diet Lifestyle
A simple and healthy Paleo pizza recipe that's different from the now well-known meatza from the use of a regular crust to give it the feel of a real pizza.
Acid alkaline diet weight loss program review : FAST DAILY DIET
Acid alkaline diet weight loss program review There have been many kinds of diets available for us that we can easily access and obtain through the use of...
4 Diet & Fitness Trends of 2011 | Care2 Healthy Living
HIIT Training, paleo and raw diets, and gluten free products eliminated a lot of the common excuses we use for night eating right or working out in 2011.
TODAY Health - Report picks top three weight loss diets for 2012
by Karen RowanMyHealthNewsDaily The best diet of 2012 is the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, according to new rankings released by ...
How to Keep Your Smoothie Diet Healthy and Fat Free - Healthy ...
Some simple recipes for following a smoothie diet to lose weight.