The DASH diet ranks best overall in US News Best Diets 2012
Los Angeles Times
Weight Watchers ranked high as well, voted best weight-loss diet, best commercialdiet plan and easiest diet to follow. Weight Watchers also came out ahead in a September 2011 study in the journal the Lancet, in which 772 overweight and obese adults ...

Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times
Weight Watchers ranked high as well, voted best weight-loss diet, best commercialdiet plan and easiest diet to follow. Weight Watchers also came out ahead in a September 2011 study in the journal the Lancet, in which 772 overweight and obese adults ...
Los Angeles Times
The Fitness Guy - New Year's Resolutions and Weight Loss
The cold, hard truth is that long and lasting success is found not in the latestdiet or weight loss fad but in making a lifestyle change by exercising regularly and eating healthy foods. It's a slower process, but the results are longer-lasting and ...
The cold, hard truth is that long and lasting success is found not in the latestdiet or weight loss fad but in making a lifestyle change by exercising regularly and eating healthy foods. It's a slower process, but the results are longer-lasting and ...
Being sick is the quickest way to appreciate how great it is to be healthy. From various things I have skimmed it seems there is more evidence from several studies about how difficult it is to lose weight. Our bodies seem to work against our efforts. ...
Book tackles how to diet without being hungry
Chicago Tribune
A collaboration of a health writer, a nutritionist and an editor, the e-book promises "the exact combination of healthy foods and lifestyle changes you need to lose weight, feel great and never be hungry again. No more fad diets, just healthy living. ...
Diet Disruptor: How the Brain Sabotages Weight Loss
The new JCI study is among the first to suggest some physiological mechanisms that might keep heavy people too heavy, even after they've begun to make healthy lifestylechanges. “To explain a biologically elevated body weight 'set-point,' investigators ...
HINT Partners with Fresh Diet Program
The Beverage Network
“We are happy to partner with a like minded company such as The Fresh Diet,” says Kara Goldin, CEO of HINT Inc., “HINT is at the heart of a healthy lifestyle and is a great incentive for people to join the program.” Jessica Smith says, “My DVD series ...
Give slim kids higher marks, says French diet guru
Chicago Tribune
Dukan has earned an international reputation as diet guru to the stars, although his methods have drawn criticism from some health experts and weight-watchers who say his high-protein meal plan causes fatigue, bad breath and dizziness. ...
Healthy Diet Snacks For Easy Weight Loss!
Oneindia Living
It is believed that snacks only adds to your weight but there are few healthy snacks which can help you lose weight and are healthy too! Here are 5 healthy diet snacks for easy weight loss. Nuts: Eating a handful of almonds can decrease LDL (bad ...

Oneindia Living
67 stone shed by top eight slimmers
The Press Association
Mrs Hall, who battled bingeing and comfort eating, joined the Rosemary Conley Diet and FitnessClub after a health scare and to get in shape for her hobby - motorbiking. Her stomach used to rest on the motorbike's fuel tank, she said, but added: "I've ...
Carrot Diet – Natural Weight Loss Food
Oneindia Living
Eating carrots for lunch and dinner will result in 3-4 kilos of easy weight loss. If you are planning to follow carrot diet, see to it that you include a couple of ingredients with carrots as it will balance nutrition. To start with, begin the day with ...

Oneindia Living
Mediterranean diet may help you drop weight, improve health in 2012
Las Vegas Review-Journal
"You lose weight, drop the new habits and go back to your old weight." Mary Wilson, a registered dietitian and extension nutrition specialist for the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, said the crux of the Mediterranean diet is that it's ...
Diet high in vitamins and fish may protect cognition and brain size
Researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University, in Portland, studied blood samples from 104 healthy older people with an average age of 87, who had few known risk factors for Alzheimer's. They categorised the participants into eight groups ...
The ideal Irish diet - eat your way to weight loss with healthy Irish recipes
Irish Central
What was created was a simple diet made up of local and healthy foods. During these cold winter months, a hearty Irish stew is the perfect meal to come home to; what could be healthier than a pot of vegetables, broth and some lean beef. ...
Weight Loss: Mission Not Impossible (blog)
S, a woman in her 20s, has maintained her 40 lb weight loss by keeping track of her diet through, learning how to cook healthy meals for herself, and a regular yoga and gym routine. K, a woman in her 50s, lost 35 lbs seven years ago when ...
4 Diet & Fitness Trends of 2011
By Lacy J. Hansen for Every year brings its fads and trends to thehealth world and 2011 was no exception. It's possible that 2011 was dedicated to the over-scheduled, yet highly educated. Good solid fitness and diet information was ...
Play your carbs right
Montreal Gazette
In the study, published in the October issue of the journal Obesity, 78 obese (Body Mass Index, or BMI, greater than 30) police officers were assigned to two similar weight loss diets for six months. In the first (or control) diet, the subjects were ...
15 Off-Menu Healthy Meals You Can Always Order
Shape Magazine
In fact, you can still dine out with friends and stick to your healthy diet. The trick is to bypass high-calorie menu items and instead order off the menu or ask for wholesome twists on the restaurant's dishes. "Restaurants do not like to advertise ...
These new year diet shows are a recipe for indigestion
The Guardian (blog)
Whether or not these shows actually help the viewers to lose weight is another thing. There are lots of onscreen links to advice websites and the like, but all three shows generally show diet and exercise to be simultaneously harrowing and terrifying. ...

The Guardian (blog)
Pregnancy Diet Calculator launched
Waterford Today
Speaking about the new Cow&Gate Pregnancy diet calculator, Senior Nutritionist with Cow&Gate, Emma Shannon said: "Although the majority of the pregnant women believe that they have a healthybalanced diet and do not look to official sources for ...
Five Famous Female Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes
Yahoo! Sports
Her sister, Serena Williams, showed her support by pledging to take on the same dietary changes. The two world-renown tennis champions have decided that together they will adopt a vegetarianlifestyle in order to improve their health, and hopefully, ...
Diva diet showdown: Jennifer Hudson, Mariah, and now Janet all endorse major ...
Tulsa World (blog)
(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Forget VHI Divas, we've got ourselves a true weight-loss showdown with some major singers endorsing diet plans. Who hasn't seen those inspiring Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers commercials for the last year or so? ...
The "Nothing White" Diet
Huffington Post
For example, many diets that rely on artificial ingredients like fake sweeteners, fake fats, or low-calorie foods just don't FEEL right to me. My brain, which has read through almost every healthstudy ever written, does a quick calculation and spews a ...
Brand New Landmark Fat Loss Diet Guide "Fat Loss Ignition" Now Available For ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Awarded by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports for helping America get fit andhealthy, Arnel Ricafranca is a world renowned fitness professional and fat loss expert. He is also the publisher of an online fitness newsletter called ...
A pork stew that won't ruin your diet
By the time you throw in the leeks, onion and celery, you've got a super healthy and satisfying stew. To top the whole thing off, we add a dollop of calcium-rich yogurt topping inspired by thousand island dressing to add a little touch of tangy ...

Starting a 2012 resolution diet? Beware of health-related scams
Clarksville Online
Even when miracle diet scams don't prove to be dangerous, choosing to rely on pills, patches, creams and other gadgets to lose weight prevents millions of people from seeking weight lossprograms that could really help them lose weight.
Diet another day
Healthy cooking without these can be a little too virtuous.” Considering more than a third of women on rapid weight loss diets gain back more than they lose, according to a recent report by Hovis, delicious meals such as Joyce's (none of which take ...
Want a better body? Pay attention to your vitamins
The State Journal-Register
It's very important to get adequate amounts in our bodies to be healthy,” said Christina Rollins, a registered dietitian with Memorial Medical Center in Springfield. Along with vitamins, a good dietneeds carbohydrates, fats, minerals, ...
Fresh Diet Partners with HINT Water and Jessica Smith for a New Year's Deal
Diets In Review (blog)
Just in time to help you stick to those goals you've been considering all week, three names are coming together to offer a New Year's Weight-Loss Resolution Kit, full of all the food, fitness and even some freebies you need to stat 2012 on the right ...
I'll be a guest on: Primal Diet – Modern Health! | Everyday Paleo
By Sarah
Until health challenges led her to a health make-over in the 1980's, she owned and managed six small businesses, receiving national recognition in magazines such as Entrepreneur, Glamour and Money. She is currently the owner of the Diet ...
Everyday Paleo
Oneindia Living
It is believed that snacks only adds to your weight but there are few healthy snacks which can help you lose weight and are healthy too! Here are 5 healthy diet snacks for easy weight loss. Nuts: Eating a handful of almonds can decrease LDL (bad ...
Oneindia Living
67 stone shed by top eight slimmers
The Press Association
Mrs Hall, who battled bingeing and comfort eating, joined the Rosemary Conley Diet and FitnessClub after a health scare and to get in shape for her hobby - motorbiking. Her stomach used to rest on the motorbike's fuel tank, she said, but added: "I've ...
Carrot Diet – Natural Weight Loss Food
Oneindia Living
Eating carrots for lunch and dinner will result in 3-4 kilos of easy weight loss. If you are planning to follow carrot diet, see to it that you include a couple of ingredients with carrots as it will balance nutrition. To start with, begin the day with ...
Oneindia Living
Mediterranean diet may help you drop weight, improve health in 2012
Las Vegas Review-Journal
"You lose weight, drop the new habits and go back to your old weight." Mary Wilson, a registered dietitian and extension nutrition specialist for the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, said the crux of the Mediterranean diet is that it's ...
Diet high in vitamins and fish may protect cognition and brain size
Researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University, in Portland, studied blood samples from 104 healthy older people with an average age of 87, who had few known risk factors for Alzheimer's. They categorised the participants into eight groups ...
The ideal Irish diet - eat your way to weight loss with healthy Irish recipes
Irish Central
What was created was a simple diet made up of local and healthy foods. During these cold winter months, a hearty Irish stew is the perfect meal to come home to; what could be healthier than a pot of vegetables, broth and some lean beef. ...
Weight Loss: Mission Not Impossible (blog)
S, a woman in her 20s, has maintained her 40 lb weight loss by keeping track of her diet through, learning how to cook healthy meals for herself, and a regular yoga and gym routine. K, a woman in her 50s, lost 35 lbs seven years ago when ...
4 Diet & Fitness Trends of 2011
By Lacy J. Hansen for Every year brings its fads and trends to thehealth world and 2011 was no exception. It's possible that 2011 was dedicated to the over-scheduled, yet highly educated. Good solid fitness and diet information was ...
Play your carbs right
Montreal Gazette
In the study, published in the October issue of the journal Obesity, 78 obese (Body Mass Index, or BMI, greater than 30) police officers were assigned to two similar weight loss diets for six months. In the first (or control) diet, the subjects were ...
15 Off-Menu Healthy Meals You Can Always Order
Shape Magazine
In fact, you can still dine out with friends and stick to your healthy diet. The trick is to bypass high-calorie menu items and instead order off the menu or ask for wholesome twists on the restaurant's dishes. "Restaurants do not like to advertise ...
These new year diet shows are a recipe for indigestion
The Guardian (blog)
Whether or not these shows actually help the viewers to lose weight is another thing. There are lots of onscreen links to advice websites and the like, but all three shows generally show diet and exercise to be simultaneously harrowing and terrifying. ...
The Guardian (blog)
Pregnancy Diet Calculator launched
Waterford Today
Speaking about the new Cow&Gate Pregnancy diet calculator, Senior Nutritionist with Cow&Gate, Emma Shannon said: "Although the majority of the pregnant women believe that they have a healthybalanced diet and do not look to official sources for ...
Five Famous Female Vegetarian and Vegan Athletes
Yahoo! Sports
Her sister, Serena Williams, showed her support by pledging to take on the same dietary changes. The two world-renown tennis champions have decided that together they will adopt a vegetarianlifestyle in order to improve their health, and hopefully, ...
Diva diet showdown: Jennifer Hudson, Mariah, and now Janet all endorse major ...
Tulsa World (blog)
(AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin) Forget VHI Divas, we've got ourselves a true weight-loss showdown with some major singers endorsing diet plans. Who hasn't seen those inspiring Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers commercials for the last year or so? ...
The "Nothing White" Diet
Huffington Post
For example, many diets that rely on artificial ingredients like fake sweeteners, fake fats, or low-calorie foods just don't FEEL right to me. My brain, which has read through almost every healthstudy ever written, does a quick calculation and spews a ...
Brand New Landmark Fat Loss Diet Guide "Fat Loss Ignition" Now Available For ...
San Francisco Chronicle (press release)
Awarded by the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports for helping America get fit andhealthy, Arnel Ricafranca is a world renowned fitness professional and fat loss expert. He is also the publisher of an online fitness newsletter called ...
A pork stew that won't ruin your diet
By the time you throw in the leeks, onion and celery, you've got a super healthy and satisfying stew. To top the whole thing off, we add a dollop of calcium-rich yogurt topping inspired by thousand island dressing to add a little touch of tangy ...
Starting a 2012 resolution diet? Beware of health-related scams
Clarksville Online
Even when miracle diet scams don't prove to be dangerous, choosing to rely on pills, patches, creams and other gadgets to lose weight prevents millions of people from seeking weight lossprograms that could really help them lose weight.
Diet another day
Healthy cooking without these can be a little too virtuous.” Considering more than a third of women on rapid weight loss diets gain back more than they lose, according to a recent report by Hovis, delicious meals such as Joyce's (none of which take ...
Want a better body? Pay attention to your vitamins
The State Journal-Register
It's very important to get adequate amounts in our bodies to be healthy,” said Christina Rollins, a registered dietitian with Memorial Medical Center in Springfield. Along with vitamins, a good dietneeds carbohydrates, fats, minerals, ...
Fresh Diet Partners with HINT Water and Jessica Smith for a New Year's Deal
Diets In Review (blog)
Just in time to help you stick to those goals you've been considering all week, three names are coming together to offer a New Year's Weight-Loss Resolution Kit, full of all the food, fitness and even some freebies you need to stat 2012 on the right ...
I'll be a guest on: Primal Diet – Modern Health! | Everyday Paleo
By Sarah
Until health challenges led her to a health make-over in the 1980's, she owned and managed six small businesses, receiving national recognition in magazines such as Entrepreneur, Glamour and Money. She is currently the owner of the Diet ...
Everyday Paleo
Is my diet healthy? I am fifteen and weigh around eight stone ...
For breakfast i eat cereal (fruit bran + raisins, prunes, banana slices, nuts and ... no you are not getting a substantial meal each day which you really need to be ...
healthy vegetarian diet: Healthy vegetarian diet plan: The Pros and ...
state all-vegetable strategy System emphasizes Over a all-important Connected with Look after Based upon Foods and nutrients that doesn't Basically used by ...
For breakfast i eat cereal (fruit bran + raisins, prunes, banana slices, nuts and ... no you are not getting a substantial meal each day which you really need to be ...
healthy vegetarian diet: Healthy vegetarian diet plan: The Pros and ...
state all-vegetable strategy System emphasizes Over a all-important Connected with Look after Based upon Foods and nutrients that doesn't Basically used by ...