Eating App Tells You How Healthy—or Not—Your Meal Was - Technology Review: Most people have a pretty good idea of what it means to eat healthy foods, but few manage to do it. A new app called the Eatery aims to change that by having users rate one another's meals and providing slick data visualizations of a person's habits over time.
Metro Detroiters shed pounds, eliminate meds with a healthy diet
Detroit Free Press
He drastically changed his diet, started exercising and lost 40 pounds after being diagnosed with angina. He has cut out butter and all saturated fats and red meats, and exercises three days a week. / ANDRE J. JACKSON/Detroit Free Press By Susan M. ...
Diet Chef cooks up £1m ad campaign
By Dominic Jeff FOOD delivery business Diet Chef is looking to bulk up after securing funding for a campaign to target post-Christmas slimmers. The Edinburgh-based firm, which was set up less than four years ago and employs 60 staff, will launch a £1 ...
The Benefits of an Athletic Diet
Twin Falls Times-News
Over the summer, the sophomore guard for the College of SouthernIdaho men's basketball team realized how important diet is for his training. Since then, he's dropped weight and become lighter and more agile on the court, said assistant coach Ryan ...
Cousins Jokes About His Offseason Diet
DeMarcus Cousins jokes with local media about his offseason diet and workout regime after Day 1 of Kings Training Camp.
Breast Cancer Prevention - Part Time Low Carb Diet Better Than Standard Full ...
Medical News Today
Women who go on a low carb diet just two days per week have a lower risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who follow a standard calorie-restricted diet every day of the week, in order to lose weight and lower their insulin blood levels. ...
Porsche engineers a diet for drivers
Scotland on Sunday
Luxury car manufacturer Porsche, better known for its fast engines and sleek designs, is to launch its own weight loss diet. The 16-week 'Porsche diet' programme, which will be launched in the New Year, is based on the diets of professional motorsports ...
Harvard Medical School Adviser: Changes in diet, medication can relieve ...
Detroit Free Press
Are there special diet changes that would help make the condition more manageable? What are her other options? ANSWER: Gastroparesis is the term used for sluggish emptying of food from the stomach into the small intestine. This condition is not caused ...
The Information Diet, a Case for Conscious Consumption
Kansas City infoZine
The Information Diet shows you how to thrive in this information glut—what to look for, what to avoid, and how to be selective. In the process, author Clay Johnson explains the role information has played throughout history, and why following his ...
Barrymore gives up vegetarian diet
Drew Barrymore has reportedly given up her vegetarian diet for her boyfriend. She has been dating boyfriend Will Kopelman for nearly a year. Although she initially tried to stick to her eating plan, she succumbed to munching meat after finding it too ...
Richard Malotky: The best — and cheapest — diet? Hunger
I know it's not popular, but I am an advocate of the hunger diet. That's where, when you are feeling hungry, you don't eat or drink any calories. Be a pyromaniac and let it burn. Hunger never killed anyone short term. Why can't we put up with a little ...
In new film, Zac Efron's body shows off Z.E.N. diet
Zac Efron, dramatically matured since his "High School Musical" days, reflects the results of his recent ZEN diet in New Year's Eve, which opened this weekend. US magazine reported that Zac began his diet early this year, using Zero Effort Nutrition ...
Sunday Night Supper: Wrestling up a Healthy Crash Diet
I told him we would come up with a high protein, low carb, low fat diet, and I would join him because I wanted to lose weight too. The day after my son said he had to lose weight, I went to a friend's son's bar mitzvah. There were a lot of skinny women ...
Norwegian butter supplies dip, prices spike, during high-fat diet mania
Boing Boing
By Cory Doctorow at 12:48 pm Saturday, Dec 10 Norway's supplies of rich creamery butter have bottomed out as a result of a national high-fat diet mania. I assume the diet is also low-carb but I'm not sure -- the article says that the butter shortage is ...
6 Diet Secrets for Quick Weight Loss
Use these 6 diet secrets for quick weight loss to flush out toxins and fat from your body. If you've started to anticipate the challenges of a strict slimming plan, save yourself from headaches and embrace a fun selection of get lean tricks you'll be ...
Make weight loss a trend
Richmond Times Dispatch
New promises for fast weight loss abound, with concepts as quirky as the Grapefruit Diet, Sleeping Beauty Diet, Five-Bite Diet and Tapeworm Diet, or those that claim to be based on medicine, such as Dr. Adkins' New Diet Revolution, Pritikin Principle, ...
Sleep well during the holidays
Toronto Sun
Researchers at Northwestern University examined the effects of sleep timing on diet and weight and found that both late bedtimes and late mealtimes can lead to less healthful diets and to weight gain. They followed a group of adult men and women over a ...
I didn't love myself: Yaana Gupta
Times of India
'Tomorrow I'll start my diet again and eat only fruits the whole day, no other food! It will be like a fast and I'm sure that will help me lose what I have gained. But now since I have already sinned - which meant in my head that the day was already ...
Filipinos' rice intake goes up as they cannot afford to buy meat, fruits—BAS
By Kristine L. Alave MANILA, Philippiines—Filipinos' rice consumption remains high, but their intake of meat and vegetables have gone down over the years, a sign that they cannot afford a more varied and nutritious diet, according to agriculture ...
Z-Bo's zeal: Memphis Grizzlies' Zach Randolph resolved to return more fit
Memphis Commercial Appeal
He's maintained a special diet and gone through strenuous physical workouts. Teammates Tony Allen and OJ Mayo recommended Matrisciano, who calls his approach to health and fitness "chameleon training." Matrisciano had Randolph working on an apparatus ...
Control osteoarthritis pain with activity and diet
It's a common misconception that osteoarthritis means you can't exercise. Staying active is vital for heart health, but too often knee and hip pain leads to less activity and exercise from pain. Stretching, strengthening surrounding muscles, ...
Joe Hamilton: Pilgrim's pilot
Coeur d'Alene Press
One is they're ill and they feel if they look for a natural approach within supplements, which can really help acute health conditions, even diet can. Diet has single-handedly been shown many times to reverse heart disease, to reverse diabetes, ...
How Rohit Sharma got a thinner frame
Cricket Country
The Indian Express reported that Sharma's friends say he went on an eccentric diet plan, precisely 'eggcentric'. Rohit ate only boiled eggs for about two weeks in a bid to reshape his body, but dizziness, blackouts and dehydration forced him to end his ...
Clinical Trial Shows Broccoli Can Prevent Colon Cancer, Reports Popular ...
PR Web (press release)
You can be at a higher risk for colon cancer if you eat a diet high in red or processed meats, already have cancer somewhere else, have inflammatory bowel disease, or have a family history of colon cancer. When it comes to treating and preventing the ...
Taking some tips from Jodie Marsh? Katie Price shows off her muscular new ...
Daily Mail
And now it seems her former arch enemy Katie Price is following in the footsteps of her former glamour model rival, by whipping herself into shape with a gruelling new diet and exercise plan. The 33-year-old star posted a picture of herself on her ...
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ICE Arrests Pro-Palestinian Activist at Columbia
Mahmoud Khalil, who recently completed a graduate program at Columbia, has
legal permanent residency, his lawyer said.
1 hour ago