Beat diabetes with a wheat and rice free diet Times of India Workday menus of Indians living in big cities are being redefined by the fear of proliferating diabetes brought on by stress and poor diet, say leading lifestyle doctors and diabeticians. With India expected to be home to 80 per cent of the world's ... | ||
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Weight Loss May Boost Sex Life of Obese, Diabetic Men U.S. News & World Report Australian researchers placed 31 obese men with type 2 diabetes on either a meal replacement-based low-calorie diet or a low-fat, high-protein, reduced-carbohydrate diet meant to decrease calorie intake by 600 calories a day. ... | ||
Diet Detective: Summer Fruits: Nectarines and Plums 11 By Charles Stuart Platkin Why: They are sweet, don't raise blood sugar levels, are very low in calories — and they're in season. "Nectarines, like peaches, most likely originated in China more than 2000 years ago and were cultivated in ancient Persia, ... | ||
Link between offspring's breast cancer risk and maternal diet found International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Maternal diet can have an impact on the future breast cancer risk of female offspring, new research shows. According to scientists from the US, dietary alterations in a mother's diet, such as increased consumption of omega 3 fatty acids, could affect ... | ||
The Fresh Diet Opens 35k Sq. Ft. Kitchen in Brooklyn PR Newswire (press release) 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Fresh Diet, America's premier diet meal-delivery plan, announces today that the company's continued growth in the Northeast region was the catalyst for moving their fresh food delivery production to a new 35000 sq. ft. ... | ||
Diet basics: Is rice fattening? Times of India While rice has got a fair share of flack in recent times, we take a closer look at why rice has got the poor reputation it does and how we should incorporate it into our diet. As you can see from the above nutritional information, rice is nothing to ... | ||
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Survey: Americans Aware of Functional Foods, Don't Eat Them Enough WebMD The survey was designed to measure Americans' knowledge about the health benefits of functional foods, whether or not such foods are part of their diet, and what barriers prevent them from eating them on a regular basis. Ninety-five percent of the ... | ||
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Dietary-Intervention Study for Prostate Cancer Accruing Patients Newswise (press release) This multisite trial will test the results of assigning men with small, low-grade prostate tumors to an intervention designed to encourage a diet low in animal products. The MEAL trial is now open at RPCI and other sites through several cooperative ... | ||
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The Minimalist: Spicy Shrimp Salad With Mint New York Times (blog) By MARK BITTMAN This shrimp salad is one of those early Minimalist recipes, from 1998, that I look at today and think about how things have changed. Not that there's anything wrong with shrimp marinated with cayenne and paprika, seared, ... | ||
Eating Nuts Such as Peanuts Improves Diabetes Control Without Weight Gain PR Newswire (press release) David Jenkins, MD, PhD, DSc, Principal Investigator and a pioneer in the area of glycemic control for diabetics said, "Nuts, including peanuts, can make a valuable contribution to the diabetic diet by displacing high glycemic index carbohydrates and ... | ||
WELLNESS: Cancers crave carbs, BC research shows Tri-City News By Contributed - The Tri-City News New research from the BC Cancer Agency shows that a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet slows cancer growth and may actually prevent cancers from forming. This is because the vast majority of tumours take-up and need ... | ||
Doctor Weil's Anti-inflammatory Diet plan By eileen The well-known wellness expert, Dr Tim Weil, has provided an interview upon his Anti-inflammatoryDiet plan. We are very happy to reproduce it right here, with. Health Artciles and News | AgeHealthily | ||
Dangerfood: Diet Soda By Leah Rocketto Think that diet label makes the five empty soda cans on the table okay? Guess again— research shows diet soda may actually be less heathy than the sugar-filled stuff. Health and Fitness Articles,... | ||
Lovetarian Diet | Care2 Healthy Living By Gabby Bernstein Four years ago, I decided to clean up my mind and become a Lovetarian. Choosing loving thoughts over fearful delusions was a tough transition at first. Care2 Healthy Living | ||
Study: Healthier Diet Costs More Money « CBS Boston By stevesaleeba A healthy diet is expensive and could make it difficult for Americans to meet new U.S. nutritional guidelines, according to a study. CBS Boston | ||
Fresh Diet healthy-food-delivery company, on Inc 500, SBA 100 ... By Stone Hearth News 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — The Fresh Diet, America's premier diet meal-delivery plan, announces today that the company's continued growth in the Northeast region was the catalyst for moving their fresh food delivery production to a new ... Health, Medical, and Science Updates |
ICE Arrests Pro-Palestinian Activist at Columbia
Mahmoud Khalil, who recently completed a graduate program at Columbia, has
legal permanent residency, his lawyer said.
1 hour ago